Alan Hawco and his friends had it all figured out. An idea for a TV show set in their own neighbourhood. They would write it and act in it. And they believed in themselves, that they could actually do it, and make it work. It would be an original creation, from, by and about the […]
Monthly Archives: January 2010
2015 Strategy. More of the same?
I was reading December 2009-End of Year note (attached at bottom for now) Mr. Lacroix sent out. I suggest you all  have a read too. That being said Mr Lacroix has announced the launch of a long-term strategy for the Corporation. Titled Driving towards 2015. Its in the early stages includes the usual cast of characters. Richie, Sylvain, Christine and of course […]
Sometimes its better not say anything at all!
Oww! I shot myself in the poon!
Kevin O’Leary
“Wow how often do you get to close NASDAQ and be 80 feet tall in Times Square. It was a thrill of a lifetime!” – Kevin O’Leary via Twitter
Why George Not Only Defriended Me, But Blocked Me On Facebook
A few days ago I sent George an email with criticisms and suggestions to help improve the show.  I didn’t mean for anything to sound too harsh but dammit, it had to be said ! You would think that after 15 years of broadcasting experience he would be able to handle it better. Nope ! In a […]
Kirstine Stewart’s Marketing Plan, Phase 2
(from the great new show “18 To Life“, with a cast of characters you wish you lived with – funny, fast, sweet, smart – loved it)
pilot project
A perfectly good idea at the time … a show we’d love to see. But, as Amanda might say, it’s taking forever to get Kevin’s head right.
Jesse Hirsh on Rick Mercer
“Contrast this with our primary political satirist, Rick Mercer, and you can see why the Harper government is able to be as arrogant and aloof as it has. Rather than really go after the political establishment, Mercer seems more interested in kissing their ass.” – comment by Jesse Hirsh in Canadian Democracy in Crisis: A Challenge […]
“If I had a TV, I’d watch it.” – comment from mockorange on Republic of Doyle
Truer Words
Peter assumed the anchor desk in 1988, under what some still consider dubious circumstances. Knowlton Nash could easily have gone another 10 years, and was his superior by a mile. … and we don’t mean only the year
Andrew Ryan
Does 18 to Life work as TV comedy? It’s not Modern Family, but it’s not bad, and it is Canadian, don’t forget. – Andrew Ryan, Globe and Mail, Love and marriage, and laughs
Player Haters
Vote or Die
 Vote now and vote often. [polldaddy poll=”2465597″] And by which show do you think needs the most help, you can also interchange it with which show do you hate the most. You are allowed to vote once a day, so please do.