The CBC’s version of prime time sketch comedy, The Royal Canadian Air Farce has been an embarrassment from the moment the group moved off radio and on to television. Brains turn to oatmeal within minutes of exposure to the lamest jokes imaginable. Would it have killed the CBC to have given us a Trailer Park […]
Monthly Archives: January 2010
Fashion File
Hello, my name is Jian Ghomeshi, previously known as Jean in my York University days. I think Jian sounds more ethnic and fun ! My idol is Zac Efron, we have nothing in common except the most important thing, OUR HAIR !  Imagine if I was Jian Efron ?  That would be totally ethnic to the maximus and […]
If patriotism were a pie, we could shove it in George’s face
Can anyone think of a better way for Canada’s public broadcaster to bring in the new year than with … Hulk Hogan. Because The Hour couldn’t. But George and The Hour are sure of one thing: if you had only Canadians as guests, no one would watch.
Try To Hit That
The CBC’s Air Farce New Year’s Eve Special 2009 had all the humour you’d expect from asking 8 year-olds to write a TV special. But for one brief moment there was something that a grown-up could actually relate to. Craig Simpson and Jamie Sale