Truer Words

Peter assumed the anchor desk in 1988, under what some still consider dubious circumstances. Knowlton Nash could easily have gone another 10 years, and was his superior by a mile.

… and we don’t mean only the year


  • Ian Hano-mano-singo says:

    I’ve been stumped as to why Mansbridge has been kept around for the past decade — is it because the talent pool is so shallow and there are no truly “worthy” replacements, or is that the CBC bureacracy is so unwieldy that they’re unable (or unwilling) to send Peter out to pasture?

  • Jeff says:

    If I remember correctly Mr Nash left a mangement postion to take the anchor chair under dubious circumstances himself. So you know what they say about things that go around.

    • Allan says:

      I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jeff.
      I do know that Mansbridge was hired with a solid contract largely because it was rumoured he had been offered a job in the U.S. and the CBC wanted to keep him. So Knowlton had to vacate his chair to make way for the new top dog.
      Had the CBC known he was going to lose his hair I doubt they would have been so worried about Peter being a big hit on an American newscast.
      For some reason, no one could come up with a good enough offer for Keith Morrison, who, had he become anchor, people today would be saying Peter who?
      Mansbridge’s appointment, I think, bewildered a lot of people, and seemingly, inexplicably, ever since, it’s as if he’s been covered in a fairy dust that blanks out people’s minds from seeing how utterly ordinary and the complete opposite of charismatic that he is.
      Is he even really a respected journalist (like George!)
      How many books has Knowlton Nash written all by himself?
      And Mansbridge? He has his staff transcribe interviews he was paid to do by the CBC, and now there’s a book people can buy for reasons that have nothing to do with Peter, or his questions.
      What do we need him for any more?
      He does the news four nights a week and women do the news for three, and what difference does it make?
      Isn’t his departure for greener pastures overdue?

      And the CBC has the nerve to claim that it’s the public that’s afraid of change.

      • Anonymous says:

        I thought the CBC wanted to keep him because he was dating Wendy.

      • Jeff says:

        Nash has always been fascinated with power and politics, and indeed harboured political ambitions of his own. He moved into management at CBC, overseeing the expansion of CBC News and Current Affairs. In 1979, Nash raised eyebrows when he suggested himself for the anchor position at The National. It was an awkward fit at first, but soon Nash’s reassuring presence and signature “Good Night” became a familiar sight on our television sets.

  • cbc ottawa says:

    ha ha ha

  • PoonGirl says:

    Allan vs. Peter
    World War 3 has begun.

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