Monthly Archives: October 2006


Maybe you got Kirstine Layfield’s email yesterday before you knew what she was so upset about. She was referring to an article in Playback called CBC in ratings tailspin: The numbers are in on CBC’s new fall shows, and, despite some typically high-quality programs, the ratings are disastrous. In all fairness, despite low viewerships overall, […]

Gill Deacon part 3: and the floor director shook my hand

The last installment of Allen‘s Gill Deacon Trilogy.~O Really, I was thrilled to see Gill and the crew in person when I volunteered last week. I didn’t want or ask for or expect anything. Today’s first audience did a little better. Let’s see. A book. A CBC belt buckle. A gift certificate from The Bay. […]

Gill Deacon part 2: Snow White as eco-warrior

This one was sent in by Mr. Allen.Submissions can be sent to haven’t turned one down yet.~O Thanks to my Google Alert, I can now enjoy even more pictures of the beautiful Gill Deacon, with the announcement of her own web pages at – – where we learn the full 5 W’s of […]

Stursberg garbage can

Pictures courtesy of Johnny Happypants. Oct 27th 9:30am addendum:Judging by emails, not all of my readers are familiar with the visage of CBC-TV VP Richard Stursberg:~O

Guest blogger: My blind date with Gill Deacon

This one was sent to me by regular Tea Makers commenter and raconteur Allen.Enjoy.~O I had volunteered to be part of a fake studio audience for a new show, in return for … not even so much as a cookie or a T-shirt, let alone the keys to a new car under my seat. But […]

Breakfast with the President

Did you know that from time to time a handful of employees are chosen to have breakfast with the President? While this may sound as dubious as winning a date with Scott Baio, employees are not to simply bask in his Chachiness but rather converse with the man. Exchange ideas. Better understand each other. Back […]

Sun sets on CBC Plaza

Vancouver CBCer Benoît Ferradini snaps this from the CBC Plaza in Vancouver, days before it’s demolished for redevelopment.So remember kids: Monday morning and for the next year it’s the servant’s entrance on Cambie Street, morning calisthenics and wake and bake sessions are postponed, earplugs, hardhats, and dust masks must be worn at all times, and […]

I’ve got a triple sensation in me knickers

I read with interest this morning about Garth Drabinsky’s upcoming reality show, Triple Sensation in the Toronto Star (how did we get scooped on that one?), “a national search for young Canadians who share a passion for the performing arts and are blessed with a combination of talents in the disciplines of acting, singing and […]

Circles Around the Square

Justin Beach’s blog, Circles Around the Square, is back after a long hiatus. One of the original “lockout blogs,” he uses it now to write about the CBC and public broadcasting in general. Not surprising considering Justin also runs To herald his own return he made this badge CBC supporters can put on their […]

Start your 14-day FREE trial of The Tea Makers Insider Edition

If you’re only reading the Tea Makers blog, you’re missing out on a wealth of exclusive content available to our Tea Makers Insider Edition members. Written by CBC Senior Executives as well as some Normal People, it’s the best way to experience what it means to be truly “inside the CBC,” Canada’s vibrant national broadcaster. […]

Doin’ My Rock n’ Roll Duty

A quick note to the crack team that offered up employee tickets to The Hour’s big Tragically Hip show on Sunday: If you’re going to invite people to a rock concert, give them more than one damn ticket. When people go out to a show, they frequently like to bring friends, relatives, or loved ones […]

Oh, you! Oh, you! Oh! Oh, you! Oh!

The revamped The Hour has been on for a week. I’m consistently surprised at how much attention this show gets, how much the CBC is banking on it, and how divided people are on it. People email me about it all the time. A couple weeks ago, The Ryerson Review of Journalism emailed me and […]

The misplaced wrath of a self-loathing Tara Ariano

A few days ago Tara Ariano took a sudden jab at George Stroumboulopoulos (pro CBC tip: just remember the “ou-ou-o-ou-o” spelling rule). At hand is the love-it-or-hate-it promo plugging The Hour‘s main net debut. Tara asks: “Can we agree that dude needs to quit trying so hard?” Who is Tara Ariano, you may ask? She’s […]

Lost in the struggle

Did you catch the season premier of The Fifth Estate on Wed? It was called Lost in the Struggle, and I was really blown away by how unflinchingly raw it was, telling me a lot about Jane and Finch, an area I was curious to know more about, filmed by people who live there. It’s […]