Monthly Archives: April 2007

Dear gay people: We’re not trying to make fun of you. Really.

Maybe you’ve seen the CBC’s new podcasting ad campaign in print:or online:Personally I was puzzled by the combination of fairy tale references, Arabian Nights, and Broadway show tune lyrics. I just chalked it up to whimsy. But drop one of these ads into Towleroad, “the premium site for modern gay men,” as we did today, […]

The Tea Makers Welcomes our new Chairman

The Honourable Bev Oda has appointed us a new chairman. Mr. Casgrain is an avid supporter of arts and culture. He was educated at McGill University where he received a Bachelor of Arts. In 1976, he became a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Quebec. He holds appointments on several boards, including Century […]


Yes, we have no Kyoto eschewed a lead story photo last night after their “fake but accurate” use of a smoggy Toronto shot that was spotted by Small Dead Animals.An explanation was posted on InsidetheCBC, but then the InsidetheCBC’s comments page broke which added to the confusion and brought about more paranoia. Let’s just hope no one is paying […]

Was Tony right?

When I saw those Cho videos and pictures on NBC, my first thought was “Maybe they shouldn’t be showing this.” And when Tony Burman felt the same way, and said that CBC News wouldn’t be showing them, my first thought was “Finally someone in the media shows a little class, and thank God it’s us.” […]

user2 grabs the mic

Today John Spence was before the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, giving testimony as a witness in their “Full investigation of the role of a public broadcaster in the 21st century.” John Spence is the editor of, and perhaps the enigmatic “user2.” I’m curious to see the transcript of this, when it comes out. […]

Time: CBC in a Jam

From Time Magazine: Canada’s ordinarily bland and imperturbable radio and TV network, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp., reeled along last week, leaderless and groggy from cumulative misfortune. For 22 years almost nothing happened at the CBC; suddenly, strikes, temperament and scandal popped up all over. (special thanks to Trevor Ross for sending me the link.)

Bad memories, bad billboards

On a nice day with people milling about the TBC, CBCers outside dodging work or getting coffee, the brilliant sun shining on the building and the sidewalk, I’m reminded of the lockout of 2005. How sad is that? With this dreary weather at least my thoughts are my own and I feel less like a […]

Guest blogger: What does a gay person listen to?

This was sent to me by Allan.Enjoy.~O Proud FM will tell you this, and more, at 103.9 FM in the Toronto market, and of course readily available at their web page.Apparently a lot of upbeat disco music.Who knew.And there’s a lot of it on Proud FM.Also giant personalities, like Maggie Cassella.They even lay claim to […]

Hockey Fight in Canada (round 2)

“Pretty much the biggest advertising I’ve got is because of this cease-and-desist thing. They’ve basically made it popular and out there in the public right now themselves, so thank you.”

.ca reboot?

I guess we should have known what to expect when Steve Billinger herded the nerds into the Glen Gould Studio armed with a microscopic PowerPoint presentation, aiming to fix once and for all. I just assumed he was going to de-Claude the place, but there could have been anything on that thing. Now the […]

Guest blogger: Closing Night

This was sent to me by Larry Weinstein, who has done a lot of fine work and is a partner of Rhombus Media, who have specialized on the production of films about the Performing Arts.Enjoy.~O What is the purpose of a Public Broadcaster if not to serve the Public? By “Public” I don’t mean those […]

Guest blogger: Shrewd Calls, Clunkers, and Common Ground

Maybe you never read the comments on this site.I understand. You’re busy.But they are of particular interest to me as they are the only shot I have at any kind of dialogue. My non-CBC friends are sick of hearing about this stupid blog and are only interested in how close I am to being fired.I […]

A Series of Unfortunate Events and Difficult but Necessary Decisions

Is it my imagination or are we sent a lot of emails titled: “Celebrating Our Successes”? Yesterday’s was entitled “Building on Our Successes” so I’m seeing a theme here. CBC-TV has a lot to clap about, ratings-wise. They are coming back from the dead. And dare I say it, but next season we have a […]

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