Monthly Archives: December 2006


To the delight of some and the disappointment of others, this site is going on hiatus. There’s a project I’ve been asked to help with, and if I’m going to give it a fair shot then it will require all my non-CBC attention and then some. It’s a shame because The Tea Makers is as […]

Robert Rabinovitch in the House of Commons

Vidcap of the week

Your 14-day FREE trial of Tea Makers Insider Edition has nearly expired

Our records indicate that your 14-day FREE trial of The Tea Makers Insider Edition has nearly expired and you have not chosen to extend your access to premium Tea Makers content. High-profile media professionals and curious Canadian citizens agree that Tea Makers Insider Edition its the best way to experience what it’s like to be […]

An itchy ring finger

And is it just me or is Carole downright giddy today?

Vidcap of the week

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