Monthly Archives: December 2008

Think Canadian TV is shite?

Well, American programming was crapola this year, too. Just look at jPod Gossip Girl, a smart, sophisticated teen soap that sank in the traditional ratings while it remained hugely popular online. Reflecting the same bad judgment that pushed Intelligence Easy Money off the air while salvaging Sophie Privileged and Heartland 90210, the CBC CW foolishly […]

‘Radio 2 needs time to catch on’

Greg Quill: “It’s a strange and exciting thing, and it will win its audience one by one,” though maybe Tempo might need to be shitcanned in the process.

Red Menace

Animated HERE

Merry Recycled Christmas

With a hiring freeze on non-essential senior managers and the chilly no-party zone that is the CBC this Christmas season, it might warm you up to look back on a time when holiday-themed promotional animated gifs flowed like unused drink tickets in the Atrium. In these frugal times recycling old sentiments seems not just natural, […]

Changed your mind, Den(n)is?

Today: The true weapon of the critic is not to slam you; it’s the power to dismiss or ignore you. I also found it frustrating that a lot of the time when creatives in this country read a bad review, they never ever seem to see the things beyond the harsh words to the actual […]


Fake Ouimet here signing off for the year Not forever, just the year. Aaand how was your oh-eight? Mine was lousy. But the Corpse? The Corpse’s year was pretty much “the same.” It was “the new normal” post-lockout. Shutting the place down The Tories are in power but are not in quite enough power to […]

Hey, where are the Radio 2 ratings numbers?

Like Sasquatch, they are much discussed but never actually seen. UPDATE: Found ’em.

Big profits, big layoffs

From Toronto Sun Family (yes the Sun’s equivalent of Teamakers)Sky is FallingQuebecor has steady revenue and good profit, $1709.5 million in the first three quarters of 2008. Then they turn around and the gut their staff, which will only drive readers away.

Newsworld’s upcoming ‘L-shaped screen’

Flipped off? CNN’s was. (BBC World<slash>Vimeo Effect?)

Newsworld’s upcoming ‘L-shaped screen’

Flipped off? CNN’s was. (BBC World<slash>Vimeo Effect?) criticial error: news not found

From the home page. Big what? Big what?Who says TV and radio people can’t write good headlines for the web?

CBC Atrium book sale

Another in an ongoing series of Broadcasting Centre Atrium Photosâ„¢. (CBC Atrium book sale by BruceK.)

Breaking news: CBC CMG reach tentative agreement

CMG and CBC/Radio-Canada reach tentative agreement on new five-year deal, announced Saturday afternoon Dec 13, 2008 Happy Holidays Happy New Year – JFW The following is a joint communiqué issued today by CBC/Radio-Canada and the Canadian Media Guild (CMG). December 13, 2008 – The Canadian Media Guild and the CBC/Radio-Canada have signed a tentative agreement […]

Did CBC bungle ‘Doctor Who’ last Friday night?

More than usual, that is? [I]t all started very promisingly… A spring 2005 airing, only 10 days behind the UK, thanks for the CBC’s need to fill programming during the hockey lockout; Christopher Eccleston’s specially-filmed introductions and inserts certainly gave the CBC airing a personalized touch not seen anywhere else; sponsorship of the season by […]