Monthly Archives: August 2006

The Tea Makers Message Board

The Tea Makers Forum is now open to CBCers and the public alike. Why does the Tea Makers need a message board, anyways? One of the things that’s frustrated me about this blog is that I control the dialogue. For me, the fun is in the comments. But if I don’t bring it up, it […]

Just call me Lynn MacDonald

Tod posted a list of official CBC blogs today, and in exploring the list I came across the CBC’s New Brunswick election blog. The latest post was particularly interesting to me, as it discussed why CBC policy forbids anonymous posting on its blogs. I was not aware of this policy. My anonymous brethren in New […]

Sometimes there’s a reason people don’t think outside the box

The CBC’s new nameless daytime talk show is still looking for a name and a home in time for its Oct 6 launch. The Mövenpick is still in the running as a studio, but needs a lot of work to whip it into shape. The ill-fated Olympic Spirit mausoleum next to Dundas Square was in […]

Guest blogger: Prairie Giant vs. history

Last May, historians across Canada got an e-mail from Marg Gardiner, granddaughter of the former Premier of Saskatchewan, James Gardiner, demanding justice. She claimed the CBC’s depiction of her grandfather in the miniseries Prairie Giant was “distort[ing] history in a manner normally associated with non-democratic states.” What to do about the letter sparked a fierce […]

Dan (Jim)

If you’ve never seen Jim Dupree: Enthusiast, well shame on you because it’s over. They call them video podcasts, but don’t let the fancy name put you off. They’re just movie clips that you can download and watch like the good ol’ pornography you perverts are used to. CBCer Dan Misener plays know-nothing blowhard Jim […]


During the lockout last year I had a regular commenter on this site named “Laurence.” It was only later I learned it was Laurence Stevenson, the award-winning OutFront producer and accomplished musician. He was briefly a member of the prog-rock band FM until they kicked him out. Nash the Slash couldn’t handle Laurence’s mandolin. And […]

Ignatieff vs. eagle

I got a good laugh over Jane Taber’s story in today’s Globe on anonymous Liberals attacking Michael Ignatieff online. Seems someone set up an anti-Ignatieff website and e-mailed the link to all members of the Liberal party. There are also unflattering pictures of Mr. Ignatieff on the site, including one that appears to have been […]

Bozzo vs. Ryan

Who actually reads the shitty TV guide they give you for free in the newspaper? John Bozzo, apparently. Even worse, who actually writes the shitty TV guide they give you for free in the newspaper? Why, Andrew Ryan, of course. Ryan writes, Bozzo disagrees. John, it’s not even worth taking the time to answer. And […]

Flinching and smirking

I have to hand it to that kid Stephen Taylor. It’s not hard to get a reactive, flinching response from the CBC, but he got one in record time, combining the relatively new medium of blogging (bolstered by mainstream media reports) and the time-honoured tradition of crazy old men writing letters. And in the end, […]


If you don’t like the CBC blogging manifesto, you can always roll your own.

Guest blogger: A requiem for Street Cents

I didn’t write this one, either.This blogging gig is pretty lax. Tod may be on to something.~O A quiet death Friday for one of the remaining slivers of CBC-mandate programming. Street Cents, the cheeky consumer affairs show aimed at teenagers, was finally snuffed out. It wasn’t much of a surprise as no commitment had been […]

Guest blogger: CBC News in the regions

I didn’t write this.It was written by a CBC news producer who wishes to remain anonymous. Suffice to say that the person has extensive experience in the regions and continues to do fine work to this day. I thought it was well-written and contained plenty of good ideas worth considering.Enjoy.~O Over the last year Newsworld […]

The TBC bicycle thief

I would love to bike to work, at least when the weather is nice. But everyone who does has had at least one bike stolen. Even Sook-Yin Lee, so I’m told. One guy I know has had 8 bikes stolen over the years! 8! More than 1 CBCer has emailed me these photos of a […]

The madness of Don Cherry

Did anyone else see this Toronto Star readers’ poll on sports announcers? Not surprisingly, [Don] Cherry managed to finish high in the greatest number of categories: first among hockey analysts, first as the guy whose microphone is most in need of a muffler and second to TSN’s Pierre McGuire as the mouth most readers would […]

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