Monthly Archives: December 2007

Farewell Robert Rabinovitch

As you may or may not know, Robert Rabinovitch’s tenure as President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada ends on December 31st. Over the years the Tea Makers has often been critical of his performance, but I wish him well in the future and wherever his career takes him. Exit interview by the Globe and Mail and […]

Bloggers on Test the Nation

When the nice people at Test the Nation asked me to be on the “blogger” team for the 21st century trivia edition, I was flattered. But I’m not crazy. Instead I suggested 3 others: Joe Clark, Raymi, and regular Tea Makers contributor Allan. Tell me that team wouldn’t kick some major ass? Especially in the […]

Podcasting finally starts to pay off

I know some people were upset when they heard ads in their CBC podcasts. I’m no communist but I admit it was strange to see The Hour brought to me by Bud Lite. Bud Lite was careful to say that it supports the delivery of the podcast. I’m assuming this means bandwidth. I wonder how […]

Caution: Falling Ice and/or Snow

You may not be aware of it, but Canadian Conservative-leaning blogs are aflame with outrage over the fact that an unnamed CBC parliamentary reporter suggested questions to MP Pablo Rodriguez for Brian Mulroney. So instead of asking something about Airbus, he asked something about cell phones. Even the fake Stephen Harper is pissed off. For […]

Anywhere but here

Brought to us by Allan.Enjoy.~O

Rise of the permalancers

I followed this week’s MTV “permalancers” walkout with great relish. I couldn’t help it. It reminded me of the CBC’s 2005 lockout. I know what you’re saying. “2005? That shit is ancient history!” But I can’t help it. It gave this blog a reason to exist. Without that, there would be no me. You think […]

Guest blogger: Cruickshank makes his move

Sent to me by an anonymous reader.Enjoy.~O You probably have heard this already but John Cruickshank has made his first major move. Finally, after all these years, making the online news folks really part of the news service. Not a servant to TV, not the peasants of Digital Platforms and Business Development, but part of […]

Guest blogger: Inside MyCBC Vancouver

Sent to me by an anonymous reader.Enjoy.~O I agree there are still major problems with CBC Television. Falling ad revenue is the biggest challenge. But I’d like to talk a bit about Vancouver because the bosses are gushing all sorts of praise on the new Vancouver experiment. Like others I’m confused by the name of […]

Do you feel what I’m feeling?

I can’t help but feel it. It started in my lower abdomen, and has crept up to my esophagus. Hell, I’m practically wading in it. Tea Makers blog posts are up, in both quality and quantity. The calibre of our contributers and commenters is unprecedented: the best punditry since measurement began. Utilization of the links […]

Jian on George and Jian

From Naked Eye magazine, photographed and transcribed from the newsstand by Allan.Enjoy.~OJian: George you have changed the face of the CBC. You’ve never backed down and you’ve never stopped believing in what you could do! You never started dressing in a suit and talking differently. Basically you’ve proven people wrong. You’ve gone from “where does […]

Intelligence street promo

As seen and photographed by me, on Sunday, on Queen Street West, quite literally.

A Christmas Casual

It’s the time of year that even atheists like me feel spiritual and look to the winter solstice as a time of hope and renewal. A cynical old news hound like myself doesn’t really believe there are seers or if there are, you climb a mountain to find one, or go deep into a cave […]

Spitting image? (part 2)

F U Ouimettez 4 life

Sent to me by the incomparable Joe Clark.

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