Flinching and smirking

I have to hand it to that kid Stephen Taylor. It’s not hard to get a reactive, flinching response from the CBC, but he got one in record time, combining the relatively new medium of blogging (bolstered by mainstream media reports) and the time-honoured tradition of crazy old men writing letters. And in the end, the CBC Ombudsman took his side:

I would suggest that it’s just not a “structural” problem, but a misleading use of editing. Very simply, that wasn’t the question he was asked and answered. And when asked directly about the protestors, he gave a more nuanced answer that The National did not broadcast.

But instead of a straight-up apology he got a a strangely smirking flinch from Diana Swain, a performance worthy of a Gemini nomination.

In other flinching news, this Neo-Nazi is claiming that the CBC edited out his racist comments in this article “because the Canadian government does not want its people knowing that someone has said something that extreme, and would not be punished for it.”

I call bullshit on that one.

1 Comment

  • Anonymous says:

    If you are trying to view the video inside the CBC network – no dice.

    Websense is blocking YouTube video urls.

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