Monthly Archives: February 2008

Gazette: Future of CBC Records in doubt

They’ve nothing in the can.

Globe: Can you spot a bad manager?

A simple game anyone can play.

Guest blogger: An easy win for Hubie the Love Bug

Sent to us by Joe Clark.Enjoy.~O I’m going to accept – officially, at least – that the sitting president of the CBC really is reading its most famous external blog. Hubert Lacroix seems to be new to the idea of open communication, where people say what they actually think, sometimes including jurons or swear words. […]

It’s a long way to the top

Who would ever want to pay a dollar to read a CanWest paper fluffing itself? But I’ll look the other way as it’s not like we don’t do the same thing from time to time. What the CBC takes issue with is their numbers, according to InsidetheCBC. Global news beat the National? It’s impossible! A […]

Is there anything Lynne Russell can’t do?

She has 2 black belts in Choi Kwang Do. She’s a a licensed detective. She makes lampshades. she wrote How to Win Friends, Kick Ass, and Influence People. Until recently, she read news on the CBC. That’s over. Now she’s a real estate agent.Good luck, Lynne. We’ll miss you.

I guess someone is tired of winter

What’s wrong with jPod?

Ryan Bigge is determined to fix it.

Facebook: fire Henry Champ

A Facebook group for Paranoid Racist Nut Cases Who Can’t Spel.

the fifth estsate kicks ass

Did you see the fifth estate last night?Doesn’t matter. You can watch it here.Is there anyone out there who would deny that this show consistently kicks ass?That it has to struggle for resources and airtime is difficult to understand.We need much much more of it, not less.

Who wouldn’t love a picture of the Atrium snowed in on a Friday afternoon?

Charles Manson, The Monkees, and Allan

It all starts to make sense.

ex-CBCer vs Anonymous

Megan thinks Tea Makers is too hard on CBC management.

Search Engine vs Anonymous

Search Engine tries to bait Anonymous. And fails.We are Anonymous.We are legion.We do not forgive.We do not forget.We know the CBC Journalistic Standards and Practices better than Jesse Brown.Expect us.

Microphone bomb

Dan Misener spots a curious message from the Idea Room, especially in light of yesterday’s false alarm.

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