Search Engine vs Anonymous

Search Engine tries to bait Anonymous. And fails.
We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
We know the CBC Journalistic Standards and Practices better than Jesse Brown.
Expect us.


  • Anonymous says:

    I dunno. Looks to me like you got pwned on your own website. It’s not, in fact, in the JS’n’P. You said it waws. They Showed you it wasn’t.

    You got pwned and you know it, and I think you’re a little sore. Why else would you call it a “ridiculous story” and continue to cover it all the way to part 2?

  • Jesse Brown says:


    1.I’™m not sure that we ’œbaited’ Anonymous, but we certainly didn’™t fail. Several members came forward, and you can hear our interview with two of them (and ’œWise Beard Man’) on this week’™s show (Feb.7th)

    2.Re: Journalistic Standards and Practices- sure, anonymous sources are sometimes used- IF their safety is at risk AND the info they have can’™t be obtained any other way. Since Anonymous’™ case against Scientology is widely available all over the web, the only way to put them on the air was to get a real name. We thought this story was important, so we invited them to come forth- call it baiting if you like.

    We stand by last week’™s show, and we think anyone interested in this story will want to hear pt.2 tomorrow.

  • Anonymous says:

    I heard that episode, and it seemed quite weak to me.

    First they spend most of the segment debunking the whole “anonymous” group, saying (and I paraphrase from memory, sorry) that they’re little more than vandals and aren’t really accomplishing anything.

    But then they go on at some length to try to goad them into coming on the show. But why bother, if what they’re doing isn’t actually that interesting?

    So all I head was a contradictory message, which sounded a lot like puffery. What makes you think they’re even listening?

    Then, to top it off, they said they would only accept interviews from “Anonymous” members who would give their real names, because doing otherwise would be against “cbc journalistic policy”. Now, I haven’t read the policy for years, but I’ve sure as hell seen anonymous interviewees on the fifth estate and other parts of the news service.

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