Monthly Archives: February 2008

Globe: Executive shuffle expected at CBC today

“Rumours have been flying throughout the CBC about a total integration of its English-language services. The network was guarded about any details ahead of today’s announcement, with some closer to management playing it down as ‘backroom’ management changes.”

CBC 911

In the middle of an alarmist exposé on petty property crime, CBC Vancouver is the victim of a break in. A laptop, coffee money and “personal items” were stolen. Apparently, the patio door was left unlocked.

Tony Burman: the website, take 2

Introducing the Blue Screen of Death Edition.

Guest blogger: Pollyanna

Sent to me by sadforcbc.Enjoy.~O Dear Hubert The departure of Stephen Satchel to Coca Cola Ltd. is an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to redefine the relationship between CBC and CMG and it should be seized. No doubt they were cracking Pepsi’s in the union office for a couple of days, but now that the carbonated […]

Scrolling eye: CBC Sparks transparency

An inside look at Radio One’s Spark and its recent experiments with online collaboration. Fondue is mentioned. So is Search Engine.

Moncton Times and Transcript: CBC sends mixed messages on salary

Newspaper editor married to Moncton city hall clerk, angered at the CBC’s investigation of city hall’s salaries, writes another front page editorial on the matter. Only this time his readers are on to him, and let him know so in the comments.

A new hope?

Ever since I appeared on the Search Engine radio show I’ve received many weird and wonderful emails from around the world. I consider myself very fortunate. And ever since I appeared on the Search Engine radio show I’ve been thinking about what the president said about me, about you, about this blog and about communication […] site and podcasts blocked in China

A curiosity mentioned in passing in yesterday’s Search Engine, I’ve not heard it reported anywhere else.Don’t we have journalists in China? Can someone ask one of them to type double-you double-you double-you dot see bee see (not “see eye bee see”) dot see eh (not “dot calm”) into the computer and let us know what […]

Tony Burman: the website

What could Tony possibly be up to?

Doyle: It’s hard to feel the love amid cutbacks and repeats

CBC answered Doyle’s calls.

Moncton Times and Transcript: How much do you make?

CBC’s investigation of Moncton City Hall salaries irks a newspaper editor married to a City of Moncton employee, who retaliates with a scathing font-page editorial.

Guest blogger: Your purchase supports original BBC programming

Sent to us by J. Frank Willis.Enjoy.~O The postman trudged through the snow this morning and into my mailbox went the bills and a catalog.I thought it was junk, the back of the catalog was what I saw first.I turned it around, saw the cover, and it announced the BBC Canada Shop.Yes you can now […]

Doyle: CBC won’t return my calls

“This is the umpteenth fifth estate repeat program this TV season. I contacted CBC and asked why this is so, and if the rumours of massive budget cuts at CBC news and current affairs are true. No response, so far. Stay tuned.”

CBC President and Ouimet on Search Engine

Not together, unfortunately. We were interviewed separately. And my part was an IM chat with Jesse Brown, which they are going to run through a Speak & Spell so you can hear my “voice” on the radio. They wanted to talk about the Tea Makers, about posting anonymously, and about the President’s recent comments on […]

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