Monthly Archives: February 2008

Doyle: Welcome to where culture comes to die

Doyle listens in on the CRTC hearings.

The Tea Makers Link Farm

The solution to my link display woes turned out to be pretty simple. A new blog. The Tea Makers Link Farm. So, if you’re like the President and CEO of the CBC and you check this blog every day, there might be some nice links for you here. But if you’re the kind of discerning […]

Guest blogger: We few, we happy few (perhaps)

Sent to me by “Michael Williams,” in response to President Hubert’s comment.Enjoy.~O Hubert You are reading Teamakers. That’s good. Don’t give up on Teamakers, sir. The quote from Bruce Cockburn is a great analogy, but let’s go to the Bard himself. In less than a month, you’ve already been like the young King in Henry […]

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