You’ve been Strombo’ed!

So you’re out one night with your friends and oh my god, George Stroumboulopoulos is sitting at a table near by! And can you believe it? He’s checking you out! Wow! How special do you must feel?!
It gets better. He starts talking to you, taking real interest in your life and who you are. He stares you down with those big brown eyes and before you know it numbers are exchanged and George is texting YOU in the middle of the night. Next thing you know, he takes you to the movies. He tells you to text him before you go to sleep. Wants your requests for his radio show. You even meet his best friend. This guy really likes you!! Right???

Sorry girl, I’m here to burst your bubble and I’m doing it for your benefit. I’ve been there, done that.
Now I just need to buy the t-shirt that says “I’ve been Strombo’ed!” – The above, is my story in a nutshell.

The man quite the multi-tasker. George not only holds down a full time TV gig, and radio show but he manages to juggle many “relationships”. He picks up girls at bars, after his show, even on Facebook and Twitter. Why? Because he can. They are already following him, so he knows they adore him.

It’s not your fault you’ve been Strombo’ed. I too believed I was special to him until one day I decided to play Veronica Mars on the Internet and came across this site. This wonderful site that posted a video of a girl walking through a motorcycle show holding on to George’s arm. If that wasn’t bad enough, girls began to comment: “that’s not his gf, he’s dating MY friend!”.
4 girls said that.
That made 5 of us.
Now how many girls do you suppose he’s dating that HAVEN’T found the site?
All the sudden I felt like I was living a Canadian version of the Tiger Woods scandal. Still feeling special? I wasn’t.

It seems I was one of many in his life. He texts us all, calls us, takes us to the movies, out for a drink and all on his schedule, when he feels like it. None of us aware what we’re involved in and how many of us are actually involved.

Needless to say, I haven’t said a word to the man since and I doubt we will ever see each other again.

I only know my experience and that of several woman (friends of friends) who once they heard I was seeing him, felt compelled to warn me the way I’m warning you now (this is how I’ve learned of his Facebook and Twitter habits).

In his defense, I don’t think George means to hurt the girls he dates. That would require giving us thought and George doesn’t give us any. To him we are disposable and replaceable playthings. Dump him today and he will replace you tomorrow with another oblivious mid-twenties, music loving chick who thinks he’s amazing, and he’ll play with her feelings too. In fact, he will blatantly disregard them.

To those who judge me for falling for him, go ahead. I’m a young girl who made a mistake.
I fell for a smooth talking guy. It happens to the best of us.
I will give him credit for picking his nickname well. He really is Canada’s boyfriend.


  • Kootenaygirls says:

    You are all so very funny. Recently I started dating. Personally, I plan to date lots of different men doing the things I like to do. If I dont like them I will not call them, or text them or see them again. If I do, I too will text and call and see them again.

    Perhaps some day I will commit to my one true love. Until then, I have been told I may have to kiss a few frogs.

    Be thankful for the kissess girls. He just wasn’t your prince. You might have to kiss a few more frogs.

  • In Hiding says:

    Yep – he did the same shit to me, too. He would call me from LA, text me in the middle of the night… his favourite time to call me was in the mornings, when he woke up.

    what a loser…

    How sexy will he be when he is 55 and alone? He’s just like his father.

  • Stombolia says:

    Maybe you all just want to be disposable and must know deep down that he will treat you this way. Or perhaps you just are not what he is looking for..

    • Anonymous says:

      Kind & calm. Maybe because George doesn’t have the strength or maturity to handle any emotions. Or maybe he wants to be able to hurt women and exploit them without their getting upset about it.

  • GirlFriday says:

    Ya this sounds all too familiar.
    He did this to me , a friend of my an an ex boyfriends assistant.

  • Matt the Haaple says:

    You know what’s worse than being Strombo’ed/Stromboned?

    Being “lovingly maintained by Tod Maffin”!

  • Anonymous says:

    It seems the only woman George is committed to is his mother.

  • Anonymous says:

    Ive been stromboned. And yes I was aware of all the ladies, and no I don’t care. I just like his company from time to time. That’s all that matters to me.

  • Anon says:

    Congratulations to Blondie and all the other women coming forward. There are some women that George does string along more than others. Sometimes for months or even years. He is all ego and egos need to be stroked . There are some women who truly do think that he loves them and wants to be with them because he says as much and they are not just reading into him trust me. It is all lies but he is a very good liar. There are ways for the women on this thread to show that they are telling the truth. We all knows his words and his ways and the things he says and does to make you feel like you are the only woman in his life and the only woman for him. Even small details will show that very few people here are lying. Stay strong and keep your self-respect ladies. You all deserve much better. Make sure you warn your friends and other girls about him unless they are sure that they will not get hurt. But even those ones probably will too. He likes to hurt women as much as he likes to love them. Thats what I think.

    • an older woman who knows says:

      I can’t imagine any of you girls taking this guy serious. I know, he is popular and all.
      God, he is really ugly :( His eyes look to me like someone knocked the holy hell out of him in most of the photos I’ve seen. He also looks dirty, I don’t know what it is about this man, but Gosh girls…So many wonderful guys out there on some of the dating websites that pay to spend some time with a great female want a real relationship.
      Get over this nasty looking, black under his eyes, greasy haired punk and MOVE the hell on with your life!

  • Ahem says:

    I don’t think that Blondie has been Stromboned. She said he just took her to the movies, texted her, asked for requests for his radio show and introduced her to his best friend. It all sounds pretty innocent. Very minor stuff. What’s the big deal?

  • Anonymous says:

    Haha that is true. Stromboned or not, I’m fairly certain he probably never committed to any of us. Before you get stromboned he has the talk where he tells you he knows he can’t offer you everything you need because he is too busy but stresses that he never wants to hurt you. I am going to hazard top guess that he may have said things that you read into to make yourself feel special but that he probably never made any commitments. He isn’t stupid. Sure it sucks but you just have to decide what you want out of the situation. If its more than this, you are probably out of luck.

  • Texting is not a relationshp says:

    Which of you women were “Strombo’ed” and which of you were “Stromboned”? Because if you were just “Strombo’ed” you really have no right to complain because he wasn’t cheating on you. All that he was doing was talking/texting/whatever. The only women that have any right to complain are those that were “Stromboned”.

  • Bullet Proof Blondie says:

    If you’re in it for fun then he’s your guy. Just don’t want woman to think they’re in the middle of a romance.
    Alexia, I’m good! Writing that had made me feel stronger about the whole thing. How are you??? (not signed in because I’m on my blackberry)

  • Alexia says:

    Blondie! I’m so shocked. Obviously they weren’t erasing our posts? This is nuts! How are you doing girl? We’ve been strombo’ed! This is amazing!

  • Anonymous says:

    I’ve been “spending time” with him for a couple years now. You never know for sure, but you always have a hunch, that no one can really be that busy. This story sounds completely accurate to my experiences. I’m not really that shocked considering I had heard about other girls, even acquaintances of mine that he had hit on and talked to, I had just never heard about anyone he had spent a lot of time with until now. He never fully commits to anything, that way you can’t really be that hurt because technically he was honest with you. I wouldn’t bother being too upset about it. If i let him hurt me every time i felt neglected by the situation i would spend an awful lot of time being a very sad and unfulfilled person. I take it for what it is. I enjoy my time with him, but I take it for face value.

  • Allan says:

    Shouldn’t it be “I’VE been Strombo’ed!”?

  • M. says:

    You all know that no one will post their texts. No one wants to be the first “in case” there are no other girls! Because everybody wants to be the one and only! Everybody will act like they never wrote on here, and they will stay with George because they all think they can change him. And they will try to figure out what he’s doing, who he’s with, who he’s talking to etc etc. You all know it.

  • Allan says:

    It was Apu, I think, who said to his wife when she was complaining – “you know what this is? – the world’s smallest sitar.”
    What did you expect, blondie?
    George is a busy guy.
    It’s not as if the two of you were picking out baby strollers now, was it?
    And he didn’t claim at any time that “you’re … the one”, did he?
    But good for you for trying to warn other girls about not getting punked by a punk like George, who is his mother’s boy, after all, in fact it’s the first thing that becomes obvious about him when you get into his life, as you of course would already know.
    Unlikely though that your Strombo Alert will be heeded, just as you did not heed your friends warnings.
    Yet still, is it not better to have loved and lost than never to have had the full Strombo experience?

  • Anonymous says:

    I bet most of us are still getting his texts right? Let’s prove it to these people. Post texts that he sends to you. I’ve been dating him as well, but I don’t believe you girls are either. So prove it. And so will I.

  • Canada's other boyfriend (the less horny one) says:

    Shouldn’t it be “Stromboned”?

  • Anonymous says:

    Yup, that’s boring. No handcuffs, lawyers or emergency room staff in sight.

  • Anonymous says:

    Zzzzzzz…who knew anyone’s love life could be THIS boring…..

  • Anonymous says:

    Hello Prose Police, are you referring to my than? Because I would like to know what is wrong with it? I’m not really here to talk about grammar. I was commenting on a blog, and I’m not a happy person today, because of this blog. If you want to know who I am, you can get my email from Ouimet. H.

  • Prose Police says:

    Now, I’m having trouble believing you, because you misuse THEN and THAN in a way that’s been done in Teamakers comments before.

    It’s cool. Shenanigans are welcome, but don’t be so lazy with it.

  • Anonymous says:

    Really, has he been dating that girl for 8 month and another for 6 month? And you guys at the same time? Shit I’m not as smart as I thought, I couldn’t have picked my words better than you: “I fell for a smooth talking guy. It happens to the best of us. I will give him credit for picking his nickname well. He really is Canada’™s boyfriend.”

  • Anonymous says:

    I have been there as well, just happened to click this link. And I can relate to everything. He has his way with words and why would you not fall for that. He does as he pleases. It’s all about him.

  • Anonymous says:

    Bullet “No Proof” Blondie

  • Anonymous says:

    I have been there as well, my friend just told me to look at this blog. He and I just met 2 weeks ago. I’ve done everything you’ve said so far and more. In two weeks, I’ve gone to the movies with him and his friend, and I’ve been to his house once. He’s in Vancouver and writes me so many texts, at least twice a day. I can’t believe this.

  • Bullet Proof Blondie says:

    That’s not going to happen. I’m not here to trash George or expose his private messages. I’m not even here for those of you who don’t know George to believe me.

    I’m just here to say, here is my story. IF you’re dating him and it sounds familiar, then I would have a conversation with the guy. That is all. The girls who date him will know if I’m telling the truth. That’s all.

  • Anonymous says:

    Allow me to be the first to point out that “Slander” = spoken word ; “Libel” = written word.

    Maybe our girl Blondie would like to produce some more proof for us? Photos, e-mails, texts, anything you got.

  • Bullet Proof Blondie says:

    I did write under those names. I wanted to get as much information from these girls as possible and I wanted to trigger them to write. If you were in my situation, you would too. If you think this is slander, that’s one thing. But what it is not, is a lie.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Ouimet, we already know “blondie” was going under other names such as Kool Aid and Sunshine and I think this story is fake and slanderous. Please take it down. My post may not be nice, but it is based on truth, not lies or defamation of character.

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