Genuine George

From where we’re sitting, that would be two thumbs up, George.


  • Don Roberto says:

    PoonGirl, by “comfortable”, he meant financially, so as to avoid the leeches, gold-diggers. Players hate 2 spend 2 much of their $ on da game, got it?

  • PoonGirl says:

    Citizen Jane, we don’t even know that Blondie is a “she” at all. Allan will tell you though, I am all woman. Maybe I’m a PoonWoman, but I won’t change my name on here yet.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Well, many people think the post wasn’t true in the first place. Therefore, her following every lady George follows and directing her to this post where Blondie and Alexia (both of whom played under other names stirring up more lies) were having a feild day to see was malicious.
    If you broke up with someone who you don’t have any bad feelings towards (as Blondie had said), then would your natural reaction be to guest blog on a site like TM to air your dirty laundry ? I can only speak for myself, but I would not do that to someone who I dated casually.
    That Twitter account was also deleted the same day the post was taken down. What a coincidence.
    Anyways, Blondie is gone … I hope it stays that way !

    • Citizen Jane says:

      The post and the Twitter account were deleted within MINUTES of each other. That’™s a bit strange.

      Not sure what game Blondie was playing, or why she was playing it. But it was a game, plain and simple.

  • Anonymous says:

    More lies from Blondie……What else is new?

    That Twitter account wasn’t mean at all. It just directed people to all of Blondie’s mean spirited attacks on George on this site.

    What kind of a woman attacks a man who was nice enough to have sex with her?

  • blondie says:

    I’m done defending my self to the likes of you. Bullies don’t quit, so you can keep going with your name calling and stupid accusations.
    I would never do something so mean as that Twitter account and I was horrified when I saw it.
    Everyone can make up their own mind.
    Leaving now, because you’re toxic and I’m done dealing with you.

  • Allan says:

    ever since Fake Watson described me as a lunatic and called me an idiot, all I can think about is Denis McGrath.
    He doesn’t like me either.

  • Allan says:

    I’m calling total bullshit on you and your blog post.
    Your idea of a smart-ass belated April Fool’s joke.
    There’s nothing, absolutely nothing, about you and your words that can be trusted.
    And the same goes for “Alexia”.

    Now you drop in again to pretend that the sudden and very fake Twitterer named “upononce” wasn’t you. Trying to prop up the non-credibility of that account.
    An account designed specifically to draw people to your blog post.
    Designed to upset people just minding their own business.
    Yeah, I’ll bet you’re having a great laugh with your fuckhead friends about how you put one over on Tea Makers.

    Did you see the “location” for “upononce”? – Vegas baby.
    Yeah right.
    Did you read the tweets?
    “He’s been seriously dating one of my close friends for about the last six months”
    “George is also dating my friend and has been for approx 8 months now”

    Then you go out and start bothering innocent people who just happened to be following George, as if they were all bimbos who could be taken in by your fake revelations.
    That’s a very male chauvinist type of thinking, for a “girl”.

    And when PoonGirl confronts you about your lies, you respond …
    “I did write under those names. I wanted to get as much information from these girls as possible and I wanted to trigger them to write.”
    You admit that you used trickery and deceit to draw people into your web of lies.

    And here you are again, trying to validate your phony mischief.
    Be gone, you peroxide blonde.

  • Blondie says:

    Hi Alexia, and anyone else who was wondering,
    I took down “I’ve been Stromboed” because when that girl created the Twitter account connecting my blog to every woman on George’s Twitter list, it felt like it went too far and I didn’t want to be associated with it. I get why she was angry, but aside from girls that are going out with him, he has collegues and friends on that list.
    I also want to move on, which is impossible to do when I was always checking to see what people were saying about what I wrote. Some were supportive but some were judging me, analyzing how much rights I had to be upset.
    I’m not saying I was promised the world. I just know that I felt lousy when I found out that he was dating all these other girls when I had no idea.
    So for the sake of other girls out there, I wanted to share my story so that they can decide what they want to be involved in, knowing all the facts.
    That’s that.

  • Anonymous says:

    Dude is not a celeb! Twitter has not even verified his account!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

  • Anonymous says:

    Do any of you ladies watch The Hour? He always states that he is single and dating…So how do you get seeing you for 6-8 months from fucking you periodically for 6-8 months? Please fill me in.

  • Anonymous says:

    He does have man tits

  • Anonymous says:

    George said at the end of the National that his guest tonight will be “Woofus Waynewhite”. Antbody know who that is?

  • PoonGirl says:

    Hey Ingrid, thanks for your comments.

    What are you dissapointed in again, or upset with ?

    He obviously wasn’t going to commit to the project, but then he sent you a message saying you were pretty or something …
    You felt like he didn’t take you seriously enough ?

  • Ingrid says:

    Typo (fuck!): My expectation was that ultimately *he* wouldn’™t be interested and I’™d never hear back from him.

  • Ingrid says:

    Dear Anonymous, Don’t be ridiculous. I just said it was a disappointing experience. My expectation was that ultimately wouldn’t be interested and I’d never hear back from him. No big deal. I would have preferred to have been completely ignored. He sent me a private FB message based on something I posted publicly. It was weird and unnecessary. Granted, I’m fairly sensitive when it comes to arrogant men in positions of power. I also don’t find it flattering to be greeted based on my physical appearance (along the lines of a construction worker yelling out “hey good lookin’!”).

    The reason I posted was because I read through the comments and felt badly for the young girls on here. That’s all.

  • Allan says:

    Ingrid, next to the lovely PoonGirl, yours is the only credible voice I’ve read in this entire thread.


  • Anonymous says:

    What crime did George commit here ? Not helping you with your project ? What did you write to him about on Facebook and what was his inappropriately flirtatious message back to you ?

  • Ingrid says:

    I found this blog through a link posted on twitter by @upononce (her account has since been deleted). It seems she set up a twitter account yesterday and sifted through all women @strombo follows, following them herself in hopes that they would look at her page and end up here.

    I don’t doubt that “blondie” and “alexia” are real and telling the truth.

    I approached George a while ago about a project. It was something I genuinely thought he might be interested in. Something I hoped he would support and promote. When I talked to him in person he truly did SEEM interested, far more than I expected. HOWEVER in the end all I got out of him was an inappropriately flirtatious facebook message (it looked like something a 17 year boy would write) and a song played for me on The Strombo Show. He also started following me on twitter. All of these actions were completely hollow and meaningless. No mention of my project ever again.

    As a young woman running a small business it’s extremely disappointing. He’s been really lucky to have a successful career and to be in a position of influence. Why be such a dick about it? It’s insulting to me as a woman that he thinks every time he’s approached it’s ultimately about sex. When I implied to a friend recently that George is a womanizer I was told I must be wrong, because he’s “straight edge”, traditionally “a direct reaction to the sexual revolution, hedonism, and excess associated with punk rock”. Straight edge my ass. He seems to me the very definition of hedonism.

    I’d like to add that I spoke briefly with Jian Ghomeshi (this blog seems to be all about bashing both George & Jian) about the same project and to his credit his behavior was totally professional. Not that this is something that should be applauded, it should be the norm…

  • Alexia says:

    Blondie, where did you’re blog go?

  • missus says:

    Add me to that list.

  • A-nony-nony says:

    Certainly the vain twit (intern? temp?) gushes over George for the Vancouver tour. His entire ratings viewership is in one room for the Toronto-centric show.
    And we assume that he does promos for his radio show too, or did anyone listen to find out?

  • Add me to the list... says:

    been there ladies! exact same situation. i suspected he wuz a douche, but now i know for sures. trust ur gut!

  • Anonymous says:

    Hey. I just came across this blog earlier today. It was posted on Twitter in connection with Strombo. I (am) have been in the same situation as some of the other girls, and it is no fun to find out that you think you are the one and you are just beeing screwed over by someone with no morals. And to find out on a blog. Wow thank you.

  • Anonymous says:

    For what it is worth. I have just read through this whole blog. I have been there. With George. And it is not easy to think that you are the one and only, just to find and read this. But I am grateful that I know now.

  • PoonGirl says:

    I love your sene of humour. “Hugely dissapointed” is an understatement, but I love your optimism.

  • Allan says:

    several hundred people in Vancouver about to be hugely disappointed


  • Curb Your Enthusiasm says:

    Only if you inhale deeply, Poonie.

  • PoonGirl says:

    What does he mean by comfortable ? If I fart infront of him will it show that I am comfortable in his presence ?

  • Curb Your Enthusiasm says:

    In what world is George considered be a “Beautiful Canadian”? Oh..right..Hello! Canada’s world. Do beautiful men treat women like meat? That magazine has lost all credibility. He’s looking for women who are “calm, comfortable, kind & compassionate.” I guess they have to be to withstand his sluttiness.

  • blondie says:

    Most kind. Sorry for the bad assumption.

  • Ouimet says:

    They were not being erased. The software that runs this blog thought they were spam.

    Usually I make a point not to spy on my readers, but in this case I had to investigate. Alexia and blondie, if you want to contact each other, email me at and I will put you two in touch.

  • blondie says:

    Alexia, hope you’re well, girl. :)

  • Alexia says:

    Haha! They’re erasing our comments!! Hillarious!

  • Allan says:

    … and if you’ll direct your attention to the right, you’ll see the headquarters for the Fan Club de Strombo, where young ladies can share their tales of woe and wonder.
    We now bid adieu to Bob, Alexia, Sam and Sara, along with blondie, Sunshine and Kool-Aid.

    • Nod Faftim says:

      Awesome link, Allan. Their site says they won a 2006 Canadian Blog Award. Not be confused with KKKate’s 2008 Weblog award for her Teamakers fan site, Small Dead Animals.

      What’s Teamakers doing wrong that it hasn’t won any awards?!?!

      Maybe we need our own awards ceremony. What would it be called? The Hubies? The Stursies? The Q-ies?

      Oh Oh! I’ve got it! The FAWNYs!


      • Dazed & Confused says:

        Interesting that The Hour will now be showcasing “unknown” musical acts, just like on “Q”. Is this because the CRTC is forcing Bravo to go back to Country Canada? (I wonder if George will be able to stand being “outhipped” by all those musicians.)

  • blondie says:

    Nice. So you’re moderating my comments but not his insults. Mature.

  • blondie says:

    I haven’t heard from him.

  • Anonymous says:

    Yo, crazy chicks, if you haven’t noticed this is not the dear Abby site. Frankly your driving me nuts. You both dated this guy for like a month. Get some medication, fast. What did you expect, you are both crazy and have a IQ of a corn flake. Wow, crazy stupid chicks get used for sex, someone alert the press!!

    • Alexia says:

      Don’t read it then. This was tea makers that began this whole thing, if you didn’t want a discussion about georges poor decision in women then don’t post it. Really though, the other articles aren’t that exciting either, at least this way women will be aware.

    • Topper Headon says:

      George sure knows how to pick ’em. These airheads can’t even figure out another way (other than this) to chat on the internet! George is caught in bad romances! Rah-rah-re-re-tards-ah! Roma-roma-mamaa! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la!

      • blondie says:

        Aw, you’re probably that lame geeky guy that never gets laid and drools as we walk by, then goes home and jerks off in his bedroom all by himself.

        If you don’t want to read what we have to say, then stop coming back to the page, Einstein!

      • Anonymous says:

        George is the airhead. His “conquests” all have friends & family. Six degrees of separation.

  • Anonymous says:

    Alexia says:
    May 13, 2010 at 9:50 pm

    “…..I just got kicked in the box with this news…”


    • Allan says:

      when Alexia gets kicked, Bob, Sara and Sam feel it too.
      Blondie also has a lot in common with Sunshine and Kool-Aid.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m surprised that they’re not all the same person. They must be friends then. It’s highly unlikely that 2 people with the same agenda would keep showing up at the same time to have a back and forth about George.

        • Allan says:

          Cyber charades can get pretty elaborate, far more than from those two characters playing out such a weak drama.
          My own kudos are reserved for the pranksters who planted a birth announcement more than 40 years ago about some kid named Barack in Hawaii. Hopefully those people are still alive to enjoy how much they fooled everyone.
          Best prank ever.

        • Alexia says:

          I really wish this was true.

          • blondie says:

            It’s ok. Even if you guys don’t believe it, I still want to thank you for putting up this page. You read did provide a service, even if you don’t believe it.
            Alexi and I weren’t friends before, though I think we are now. She’s likely on this page all the time now for the same reason I am. To see what else we find out. This has been a really big eye opener.

  • Nothing's Shocking says:

    Teamakers perform a valuable public safety service for Alexia and she calls US losers? Take your thankless ass elsewhere, honey!

    • Anonymous says:

      If she took the time to get to know me she’d realize that I’m actually more of a “womanizer” than a “loser”.

  • Anonymous says:

    George & Jian both pretend to be so caring (charity benefits for Haiti, etc.) But they treat women like MEAT! Shout it out loud, ladies! The have no right judging anyone else.

  • Anonymous says:

    This thread is insane!!! Is he really that bad??

  • PoonGirl says:

    What’s next ? Is someone going to post under the name “FagBoy” and say George was also texting him, saying he was the only one ? That at least would be comical.

  • blondie says:

    You’re so paranoid.
    I don’t care what you think. I got what I needed out of this site, and now I’m done. Thanks ladies for your support and good luck!

  • PoonGirl says:

    And the Oscar goes to …

    Whomever is playing the part of Sam/Bob/Alexia for best supporting role in a fiction.

    • anonymous says:

      Poon Girl, you don’t think they’re telling the truth?
      I gotta say, I’m buying Alexia is real.

    • Fake Giller Prize Committee Member says:

      Seriously, if you’re going to reply to your own fake posts, at least do us the favour of disguising the way you write.

      I didn’t even have to read half of that Blondie/Alexia/ Whoever shit to know it was fake. Just looking at sentence lengths and the way they put stuff in brackets is the tip off.

      Fucking lame.

    • Anonymous says:

      My guess is that it’s Jian Ghomeshi trying to steer attention away from his Wonderboy/shell corporation/Board of Directors/Starmaker Fund/Lights/conflict of interest/grants/fraud/embezzlement/Jian might be going to jail thread.

  • blondie says:

    I’m educated and I have no doubt Alexia is either, so shove it up yours, Blunt!

  • Blunt says:

    Brings a whole new meaning to Canada’s boyfriend doesn’t it ladies. Perhaps G really does bring people together, one air head at a time. Think of it this way girls, if a 40 year old man who wears tighter pants than a ballet dancer, and says rad and awesome in each sentence makes you look like a fool, then perhaps its time to hang up your knee pads and start reading a book (one’s with words).

    • Anonymous says:

      If a man walks like a rebel, dresses like a rebel, talks like a rebel, don’t expect a nice guy! No wonder George did a special on propoganda…he’s got the country fooled into thinking he’s nice. Always go for the nerd, ladies.

  • Anonymous says:

    I think she meant sexual partner… No need to be calling anyone names.
    If they were hoes, I don’t think they’d be shattered right now, and they clearly are.

  • Bob says:

    Woah. I just have the hits for poongirl leave me out of it.

  • Sara says:

    Have you recently been checked for genital warts? You should. I’m sorry, I sleep with him cause no one else will sleep with me cause of these things, George didn’t even notice, so I figured why not.

    • LightsOff says:

      People may have beleived this crap was true with a FEW of the comments but now with the gentital warts you’re taking it too far, and, exposing your cover as someone who goes a bit too far with defamation of character. Sam/Bob/Alexia. Sara and Blondie.

      • blondie says:

        I never said anything mean about him. I liked that guy.
        I’m just sad to find out he’s dating all these other girls.
        And I totally agree, that warts comment is not cool and a very scary thing to say!

        • Anonymous says:

          I hear ya blondie, I too really liked the guy, thought I was the only girl as well. I guess I’m a fool. Or stupid as some of you say… It really sucks to find this out. He’s so full of shit.

          • blondie says:

            Sorry Anonymous. I know exactly how you feel. My stomach is turning. I don’t give a shit what ppl on here say. If it makes you feel better to call us stupid, then go ahead. But finding out the guy you like and are seeing is seeing everyone else, and finding out on a website, at that, is a shit shit feeling!

          • Anonymous says:

            I know. I’m sick to my stomatch, Cant believe the things he has said to me. Making me think there is a future for us. And having some of these girls say things that he says to me validates that they aren’t lying…. (ex. Hello miss). It just hurts… It’s sad that I’m not alone either.

          • blondie says:

            I know. A lot of what Alexia said was bang on for me too…
            Not feeling so special right now…

          • Topper Headon says:

            This hoedown is really touching! You girls should write a book! Maybe it will be made into a movie! Ron Jeremy can play George!

          • Sunshine says:

            I dated him about a year ago. He pulled the same shit on me and I was smart enough to walk away and never speak to him again. And you should do the same.
            Any guy (no matter who he is) that would treat you so disrespectfully shouldn’t get to be in your life.

          • Alexia says:

            Wow, so many girls have now replied… So yes this was a shocker to me as well, thinking George was so genuine and real. He always seems to care for others…. But then why does this man treat us ladies like “hoes”. When honestly all we’ve given him was love. This is George. He has been doing it for years! Years! So know he will not change, there will always be the next “fool”. The next poor girl for him to use. What makes it so bad is that if he just said from the beginning of each “relationship” that this was all just fun nothing serious then I’m sure most of us would make a quick decision to leave, but the man talks about how he craves being intimate with you ( and intimate to George is when your head is on his chest and your holding each other through the night). It’s sad that we all fell for it, and him. He really knows how to treat a lady doesn’t he?

          • blondie says:

            How do you know all this?

          • Alexia says:

            Because I’m another girl he is ( or was till now) seeing.

        • blondie says:

          You knew he’s been doing this for years. You knew what he did and said to all of us. How did you know that? I hope we all dump him on the same day…

          • Alexia says:

            I know it cause he says that stuff to me…just assuming that he says it to all of you as well. I’ve heard many many stories and didn’t really believe them till now. Don’t worry I’m pretty sure the few girls that are on here will dump him, but that’s not the entire population of women he is seeing, there’s gotta be many more that haven’t done their research and haven’t found this wonderful site yet.

          • blondie says:

            Alexia, everything you said was on. It was like you’ve been on our dates. I’ve been seeing him for about 2 months. How long have you? You seem really strong about it. I know it’s naive, but he texts me so much that I really thought I was the only one on his mind.

          • Alexia says:

            I’ve been dating him for just over 4 months now. I’m strong cause this was always in the back of my head right from the beginning. I knew he was too good to be true. He texts me alot as well, multiple times a day, plus I see him like every other day… He made me feel like I was the only girl as well, but that’s what they call getting played. We were played blondie. If he’s saying the exact same shit to both of us, plus anonymous, and warts Sara, and, and,… He is a player. And he’s good at what he does. What Sara says scares me, I’m gonna go get checked. You should too, just in case. If u need a friend for your hurt heart I’m here, but really he’s not worth it. We gotta be stronger than that. He’s a selfish man.

          • blondie says:

            Thanks Alexia. That’s really sweet of you. I actually had a friend of a friend warn me too but I felt he was so real with me and hoped she was wrong.

          • Alexia says:

            Blondie, I’ve been doing the same thing. Just trying not to listen to the comments of others and make up my opinion on him. Just because of how he treated me. It’s unfortunate that we found out on here though. Did you ever ask him if he was seeing anyone else?

          • blondie says:

            Alexia, I didn’t. Did you? What are you going to say to him? I think I might just start ignoring him and not say anything. I hope lots of girls stumble on this site.

          • Alexia says:

            Ya he’s already texted me three times today and I haven’t responded…. I asked him if he was single, he told me he was very single. Obviously I didn’t word it right. I should of asked if he’s seeing anyone else…. Ya he’s not worth mr getting upset and waste my breath on him, I’m just gonna stop replying and I’m sure he gets that alot with other girls. It won’t affect him though, he has so many others waiting in the wings…. Don’t worry girl, there’s plenty of other men out there, just stay away from celebs…. Especially 37yr old single celebs…

          • Anonymous says:

            You’re so right!. I feel so sick.

          • blondie says:

            I only know him for 2 months so it seemed too early to ask. Are you, me and anonymous pulling a disappearing act? Will he even care? I bet he likes the chase, so it will only make him text more.

          • Anonymous says:

            I’m gonna keep seeing him. I don’t think I’ve given him all my STD’s yet.

          • Alexia says:

            He won’t care. And Im pretty sure he won’t chase either. If he does it won’t be for long. Does it matter though? I don’t care to speak to him. Ever. If I was just in this for sex then it wouldn’t matter, my heart is involved though, and that’s not something I joke about. He doesn’t deserve to know it but he hurt me.

          • blondie says:

            Anonymous, that’s disgusting. Alexia, you’re so right. I really cared about him and he took advantage of that. Never again. I’m sorry for both of us, and all the other girls who will read this and realize that they’re one of many.

      • Captain Obvious says:

        I don’t know how true any of this story is, but it should be noted that 1 in 4 people has or has had an STD. If George sleeps around his chances of having one or getting one are much greater. With that said, maybe Sara’s genital warts originated with George and she caught them from a guy that slept with one of George’s conquests.

      • Sara says:

        I wish I was lying. I do have warts, I have been sleeping with George at least once a week for about 6 months. For you girls that are as well, I’m sorry. I never thought of anyone else but myself.

        • Topper Headon says:

          No worries. They probably have their own STD’s that they’ve been keeping secret from George too.

          • Blondie says:

            You’re a real jerk, Topper Headon!
            I hope you find your self in the situation where your partner is sleeping around and see how you feel!

          • Topper Headon says:

            George is your partner? On what planet? I hate to be the one to break the news to you but you are not his partner. You’re more like one of his disposable Hoes!

  • Anonymous says:

    yes, to Sara’s question.

  • blondie says:

    and yet, I bet none of you are even going to break it off with him, are you?

  • Don't hate the playa says:

    Isn’t this what you women signed up for? To be used and then discarded like a condom by a “celebrity”? Did you really think that you had a chance of being “The One”? (also the title of George’s ABC show that was quickly cancelled after consummation….much like George’s ‘relationships’)

    • Anonymous says:

      Of course not. These women think that dirty text messages with smiley faces makes them feel special. Thank god for smart women, who by the way become psychologist to help out all the losers who think George is special.

      • Write On says:

        I’ve noticed that. I’ve yet to come across a smart woman that finds George attractive in any way, shape or form (no offense, Poonie).

        • Anonymous says:

          That’s not really fair.
          If the guy is a charmer, you can see why ppl fall for it.
          Stupid is staying in it…

          • The Hour sucks large says:

            I’m sure his text messages weren’t all that charming. The fact that he’s a celebrity is what makes women so charmed by him. If someone thinks that they have a realistic chance of a serious relationship with a celebrity because they text them once in a while, how is that not stupid? Or delusional?

          • Anonymous says:

            oh please…charm is a grade A personality disorder embedded in narcissism. Stupid is believing anything different.

  • Jiany Carson says:

    Does anyone have photos of Jasmin ? I want to know what she looks like :)

  • Anonymous says:

    Jasmin was at least pretty. What happened to her?



  • Anonymous says:

    One of the most influential figures of our time, actress Mindy Cohn (she played Natalie on the “Facts of Life”), will be George’s guest tonight on The Hour. Guaranteed “water cooler talk” tomorrow. Don’t miss it!

  • PoonGirl says:

    Alright Bob, I have no men in my life and could use one. Why don’t you leave your email address and we can get to know each other.

  • Bob says:

    Poongirl: You have self esteem issues, you need a hug, or better yet you need to get laid. I’m sorry that you’re so lonely. Anything I can do let me know… Seriously.

  • PoonGirl says:

    I want Just a Thought to come back and tell me who his date is.

  • Get a life! says:

    Wow. You people have way too much time on your hands.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s true, anonymous. Maybe people should switch to posting shorter, more useless comments like yours.

  • Nerds! says:

    You guys are pathetic!

    • Allan says:

      and if George taught journalism this post would still go up, but the title would be “This Is None Of Our Business”.

      • PoonGirl says:

        You’re one of Canada’s most respected bloggers.
        Not according to George though, with your interest in sexual politics and all.

  • Anonymous says:

    How does your friend feel about competing with Kirstine and others? Sad but true.

  • Anonymous says:

    Date of the week.

  • Anonymous says:

    Is Hulk Hogan one of the most influential people of our time? Eeep!

  • Allan says:

    Thanks, JAT, for the funny comment.
    My eyes haven’t opened that wide in quite some time.

  • PoonGirl says:

    George is not bringing disease, famine war and crime to light. Last nights guest was MEAT LOAF hahahaha ! His dream guest is George Clooney.

    If people want to say the don’t find his girlfriend attractive then that’s their opinion.

  • JustAThought says:

    I dare each one of you to creep out from behind the mask of your computer screens and let the world take pictures of you, smack them up on the internet, and see how it feels to be bashed to bits in the public eye. This girl happens to be my best friend. One who got caught in a bad shot. I guarantee, if you were standing face to face with her, you would be blown away by her beauty, both inside and out. In a world where lives are being lost on a daily basis due to disease, famine, war and crime, George is bringing these issues to light and introducing us to some of the most influential figures of our time. Perhaps you should be out there trying to make a difference in the world, then wasting your time criticizing the lives of others.

    • WTF!? says:

      What show are YOU watching? ‘The Hour’ isn’t about bringing to light ‘lives lost due to disease, famine, war and crime’ — it’s about fellating (mostly ‘has been’) celebrities.

    • anon says:

      Not that it matters, but the girl in this clip is not George’s girlfriend anyway. He’s been seriously dating one of my close friends for about the last six months (and yes — for those of you who seem to care about these things, she’s GORGEOUS and smart and amazing — and he’s VERY lucky). All the people on here need to mind their own business and let him have a private life.

      • Anon2 says:

        I doubt we have the same friend, George is also dating my friend and has been for approx 8 months now. She is breathtakingly beautiful and very smart. I agree georges life should be kept private but maybe he’s trying to keep it private cause he’s going around dating the whole city telling each lady that she’s his girlfriend. My friends first name starts with an M. I doubt we have the same friend? If so I’m telling my friend to back off this slimeball! Especially when he tells her he loves her.

        • Anon 3.0 says:

          Call Sherlock Holmes! There is a mystery to solve.

          I read the word serious and think likely not. Serious does not equal being out at a bike show with someone else. Long term is not necessarily commitment. Long term may just mean a regular lay.

          George manages his love life poorly. If he were to act like a grown up and actually be seen out with the same girl it would end the
          bullshit. He hides them for a reason. while his excuse is convenient it also allows him to be a player.

          • Anon4.0 says:

            Serious relationship with George! Ha! Stupid girl! I’ve seen him out with a new girl each week. If I were George and I had the opportunity to sleep with this “glorious nation” I would as well. Just let the man fuck, and be what all men aspire to be.

      • blondie says:

        Wow. I met George a few months ago and we’ve hooked up a few times. I thought I was the only one. He certainly knows how to make a girl feel special. I had no idea he was seeing anyone. I felt bad for him that he never has any free time because of work!
        What an ass!!!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Oh….he’s working it, honey…he’s getting busy..

          • blondie says:

            I still can’t believe it.
            Does he care at all that there is a person he’s hurting when he does that???

        • Alexia says:

          Does he say stuff like “hello miss”, “you really are beautiful”, text you “whatchadoing? ” after you have text him for days… When you see him, you feel like a queen, opens the car door, waits for you to get in your house before he drives away. Tells you to text him before you go to bed. George is constantly “busy” with the strombo show and the hour you think, because he tells you that, there would be no way he has time for multiple multiple women in his life. It seems like every free chance he gets he wants to spend it with you…. Yup, that’s George, he’s fooled many of us, friends of my friends tell me the same thing. Ladies, the man is smooth, that’s his job, to bullshit the nation so that they all fall in love with Canada’s boyfriend.

          • Anonymous says:

            Yechhh. Is George a biohazard?

          • becky says:

            This is a perfect summary of how George behaves with women. He LOVES text message and he loves to be dirty on text message with women he has just met, too. He’s very brave that way. It makes the women feel wanted and beautiful and sexy, but they don’t realise that the moment he stops texting with them, he moves to another (and he calls them all “baby” and uses a lot of smiley faces and dirty talk). They feel special because they are getting attention from someone they think is a busy celebrity so therefore he really must like or even love them. Nothing could be further from the truth. He texts late at night, fakes interest in who they are and what they are doing, spends ages talking to them about music and his mother…it’s the same song and dance with every woman. And suddenly these confident women find themselves into motorbikes and hockey in an effort to have more things in common with him, while they wait for his 25-cent text messages to brighten their day. They become love sick puppies and their lives revolve around him. He’s very good at establishing fake bonds that make them think he couldn’t be close to anyone like he is close to them. But it’s all bullshit and these women need to run in the other direction. The sad thing is, they won’t because they always think they are the one it is different with. Ask people he knows well and they will tell you the truth about him (he has no real friends…even the guys he thinks he is best friends with privately tell people the truth about him because they worry about the women, too). But chances are if you are dating him, you don’t REALLY know the people he knows because he doesn’t want you to find out the truth.

          • Sara says:

            Does he sleep with you ladies? I just want to know how many of you I’m sleeping with as well?

          • Alexia says:

            I think we who are “dating” George currently should post on here when he texts you and what he says… This will be hillarious.

          • blondie says:

            Alexia, wanted to come back and check if you were ok. I’m bummed.

          • Alexia says:

            Blondie. Ya it sucks but really what are ya gonna do. It’s not like I can pretend I never had seen this site. Or had heard all the drama, and finally I have to go with that intitial gut feeling. Get the eff out! Before you get hurt even more. To me it’s not worth it. Has he texted u many times already like me?are you replying? I’m not. I’m better than that to give him my pride as well. I took a risk even seeing him to begin with, it’s truly not worth it anymore. He’s just so manipulating, you don’t even notice your falling. So stop, take a breath, realize it was all fake. That to me shuts up that oh I miss him feeling.

          • blondie says:

            Hey Alexia,
            No, I haven’t talked to him since. Sometimes I don’t hear from him for a day or two. But I’ve just been thinking about everything you said, and how similiar is it. I hate “Miss ” now. I bet every text conversation with you also ended with “wish you were here” or take you to he movies.
            I wonder who he’s with tonight.

          • Alexia says:

            Haha!! Have you met the famous Jim at the movies too? Ya, I bet Jim has met every single one of us, I wonder what he thinks…

          • blondie says:

            I feel nausious… I mean WTF?!

          • Alexia says:

            So you probably sat in the middle… While on one side George is caressing your knee and whispering bullshitin your ear, while Jim checks it out every now and then… Been there, a few times…. Fuck, he should at least be a little creative with each lady.

          • blondie says:

            I never want to speak to him again. Ever again.
            By the sounds of it, he wont miss me.

          • Alexia says:

            I hear ya lady!

          • melissa says:

            i met jim at the movies, too. wow. i’m really in shock. it’s the same with EVERYBODY. does he tell you to “youtube” certain songs he’s listening to all the time, too?

          • You Oughta Know says:

            Is Jim perverted like George?
            Does Jim go down on George in the the-a-ter?

          • Alexia says:

            Melissa, ya here’s another one. No he doesn’t tell me to utube songs, he just plays them for me. On long drives, or when were in bed. Does he ask for your requests for the strombo show? I bet his entire playlist are songs requested by his ladies. So messed up.

          • blondie says:

            No youtube for me either.

          • melissa says:

            I have not been in his bed (we have just gone to the movies a few times) but yes he always asks me for songs to paly on the Strombo Show and he texts me late at night all the time. I met him at a bar downtown (Queen Street). I don’t want to say anymore. I feel scared he might read this blog.

          • blondie says:

            I honestly feel ill. It makes me realise how little he cared about me. Well at least he’s gone to Vancouver for the week, so detox will be easier. But I’m sure someone is waiting for him in Vancouver.

          • Alexia says:

            Surprise surprise. George is a piece of work. Im glad he’s gone too blondie. I got a couple texts this morn saying he’s off and that he’ll call me when he gets home. I still haven’t replied. This guy kills me. Why bother saying any of this? He obviously wants girls to fall for him. Which is what makes this thing so fucked up.

          • blondie says:

            He text you this morning, even though you haven’t responded to any of this texts?

          • blondie says:

            How old is everyone?

          • Alexia says:

            That correct. In total I have 5 messages with me responding to none. And I’m 24.

        • blondie says:

          If I knew another place online where we could chat, I’d grab it.

      • blondie says:

        Well you can tell your friend that a 22yr old girl who met him a couple of months ago has been hooking up with him and he said nothing about dating nobody!

        • Blunt says:

          You girls are fucking stupid (almost as much as George). If you think George is a catch then you are in desperate need of a lobotomy. Anyone who admits sleeping with G, who might I remind, works for the CBC (the Oldsmobile cutlass supreme) of media is just stupid. Get some taste, better yet an STD check-up. Celebrity my ass, the guy is fat, ugly and painfully retarded.

        • Sam says:

          Common blondie! Please please don’t be so naïve, you have to understand George can and will get what he wants because girls like you think they’re special. I’m sorry honey, you probably are special but to George you’re a “filler” till he gets bored with you. Please use a condom if you continue to fuck him. I know of so many girls who have had unprotected sex with him, just please be careful.

        • Kool aid says:

          22?? Isn’t the guy almost 40?
          There is a reason ladies the guy isn’t dating woman his own age.

          • Anonymous says:

            women his own age see right thru him

          • blondie says:

            definitely! If there was a way to exchange info without all these haters knowing it, I would.
            I’ll come look for ya. Just write blondie in capital letters. :)

          • Alexia says:

            I was thinking the exact same thing. You do the same, in caps… Stay strong girl, talk soon.

        • blondie says:

          For what it’s worth, you seem like a cool chick and I’m glad I got to chat with you. He’s oblivious to other people’s feelings. I guess we are all disposable to him because girls are everywhere ready to eat up whatever he’s serving.

          • PoonGirl says:

            Why don’t you two exchange emails and take your fantasies somewhere else ?

          • Alexia says:

            You too blondie. And of course they are. Think of how many women he’s probably seeing right now? Becky on this said details that are so true as well, smiley faces, very dirty texts… It’s remarkable really he has so much time. He won’t care and if he said he did after all this would you believe him? Everything that comes out of his mouth is BS.

          • blondie says:

            agreed. No, never going to give him the chance to explain. I’m just glad find out now. I feel bad for the girl(s) that dated him for the past 6 and 8 months. And I feel really bad for that girl in the youtube video. Everyone is taking shots at her and it’s not cool.

          • Alexia says:

            If it wasn’t for that video I would have never known. So i think that girl saved alot of heartache whether she knows it or not.

          • blondie says:

            Totally! Me too!
            I wonder how he meets all these girls. Maybe at the show.

          • Alexia says:

            Is that how you met him?

          • Allan says:

            Alexia, why did you sign in as BOB and SARA and SAM?

          • Alexia says:

            Allan, Hun?

          • Alexia says:

            Oh I see what your trying to say. Get a life Allan, I am writing as just me. There are lots of other people in the world go fuck with, I just got kicked in the box with this news and you want to say that I’m not me? Get a life. I know who I am. I don’t need to prove that to the losers that started this site bashing a poor girl that got caught next to the womanizer.

          • blondie says:

            Alexia, I believe you. It doesn’t matter what people think on this site. Any girl who has been involved with George will read what was said and she’ll recognize the same things he did and said to her and she’ll know it’s true.
            There is no making this stuff up. There would be no way to know it if it wasn’t true.

          • Alexia says:

            Exactly. Some of these people on here are real losers though. Well check in from time to time, I almost feel like I owe ya a drink!

        • blondie says:

          No. I met him out one night. I’ve never gone to his show.
          What about you?

        • PoonGirl says:

          Wow Mellisa ! Tell us your story too !

    • anon6 says:

      I’ve known a few women who dated George. The same thing happened to each of them — they thought they were in an exclusive relationship with him, only to find out later that he had quite a few others on the side at the same time (and he’s quite good at hiding them, but eventually word gets out). He’s a love em’ and leave em’ kind of guy. These ladies need to smarten up. The only person George loves is George.

  • Hello, Dum Dums says:

    Mmm, this blog post is deLISH! Call TMZ!

  • Anonymous says:

    You should see Jian Ghomeshi’s new girlfriend if you want to know what ugly really looks like.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Besides a part time runway model.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Does anyone know who this girl is ?

  • Get A. Rume says:

    Ugly chix rock! We do things the pretty girls won’t! And you don’t have to work as hard to keep us around.

  • Jian G. says:

    I’ve seen him with much uglier chicks.

  • Anonymous says:

    Agreed. Not dating her.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Ya, maybe not a film crew, but I was trying to be respectful of their YouTube channel. After all, look at what they managed to capture. George and his beauty* out on a date.

    * not so attractive lady friend

  • Alan says:

    And now… back to the usual Allan & Poongirl Teamakers foolishness. It was nice to see a brief resurgence of relevant and thought provoking commentary by Ouimet.

    • PoonGirl says:

      Alan, how dare you say this is foolishness. No one sent Allan and I documents to leak so sorry we didn’t have that breaking story.

      But, here is “Canada’s Boyfriend” who we have never seen at the Gemini’s or at any event with a lady on his arm and we found a video that shows her. Can we blame him for not wanting to show off his arm candy ? That is for you to decide.

      • Anonymous says:

        Alan, for now, it is time to circle the wagons and lay off Allan/Poonie.

        Discussions have gotten messed up around here from time to time, but it’s never been a full-on fucktardfest. Not until last week, that is, when SDA ‘put Teamakers into its ugly mouth’ (to use a PoonGirl-ism).

        Hey do you think we could collect money to commission a custom airbrushed helmet by Kate for Strombo? Now THAT would be a fucking awesome waste of taxpayer money!

  • Irwin M. Fletcher says:

    South Park was right; Harley riders are fags

  • Eh-Non-A-Moss says:

    Wish you kids would make up your mind! Is it Kirstine or not so attractive skinny chick? Notice how he tried to avoid looking like he was actually with her? Classic.

  • PoonGirl says:

    I bet he wasn’t expecting a film crew to catch him out on the town with a date or he would have gotten somone a bit more polished looking.

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