Monthly Archives: April 2009
Another Bad Omen For "The Republic of Doyle"
First one big mistake, and now another.When you read Denis McGrath’s gleeful news that he’ll be working on upcoming scripts for the show, it becomes even more apparent that Republic of Doyle is in deep trouble.First they rip the heart out of it by removing part of the cast. Then they inject the soulless bag […]
And Evan Solomon gets a children’s show
Finally, people who can match wits with him at his level. Take that, Chomsky!
John Doyle Is Stupid
John has been watching way too much television.Generally, when we say that about someone, we’re trying to convey that they’re gullible. They believe everything they see.In John Doyle’s case it’s the opposite. He believes nothing.No one is going to fool the intellectual television writer for The Globe.He can see past the charade, expose the fakery […]
Gayest show on television?
Elvis Stojko never looked straighter – in retrospect, anyway. New for ’09! “Battle of the Blades is an elimination-style challenge that teams up Canada’s top figure skaters with this country’s most daring and versatile hockey stars to compete against one another each week in a glitzy pairs figure skating performance.†Wait – the figure skaters […]
The Corrie Effect
jDoyle: [T]he suppertime news program would move forward to 5:00 p.m., and suddenly grow to 90 minutes….[L]ocal news is being parked at an earlier hour so that Coronation Street can air at 6:30 p.m., and then, in the 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. hour, Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune will run…. It’s not about the […]
‘One day I was announcing a flight in the terminal. A guy heard me’
Springfield Shopper Village Post article (from November) reveals that Pastor Mansbridge of Stratford was, in effect, discovered at the drugstore counter nursing a malted. “And who does he want to take over for him? ‘[W]e have a half a dozen people at least [who] could easily step into that role. I have my favourites, but […]
Is CBC TV Helping Or Hurting Canada?
Guessing that when the government of Canada gives you a billion dollars a year to produce Canadian shows, that would be considered helping Canada.But when the CBC insults Canadian actors and deprives them of an opportunity at employment and success, that might be considered hurting Canada. Last Saturday morning, The Globe partially let the cat […]
In Days Gone By
We were the luckiest country in the world during the years that Pierre Berton was with us.(and check out Mary Lou!) thanks to http://hellupsidedown.blogspot.com/
“This is just so…CBC”
Dr. Mabuse decides to save $400 and then happily finds fulfillment thanks to the local library.
CBC declares ‘Republic of Doyle’ too good to waste it using Canadians
Always thinking of how to make a bigger profit, the CBC knows a good show when they see it.And they know how to improve it. Get rid of the Canadians.After viewing the pilot episode of Republic of Doyle, CBC programmers were so enthusiastic with the show that they decided to give the go-ahead for more.But […]
‘My Date With Ouimet’ would be better than this borefest
Dragons’ Den would be wiser to stick with mass producing widgets than funding movies.The upcoming My Date With Hugh has all the earmarks of going straight to DVD, and just as quickly tossed into the trash bin. Waste a minute of your life if you want to check out the trailer. Then ask yourself why […]
Not ‘Republic of jDoyle’
Corpse greenlights Newfoundland (“and Labradorâ€) private-dick series Republic of Doyle, but nobody wants to talk about it. Also greenlit, this report in the Globe and Mail states implies: 18 to Life, The B Team, Throwing Stones, “and Abroad, a TV movie based on the experiences of Globe and Mail columnist Leah McLaren.†But of those, […]