Ghomeshi’s Good Year

Just like Rodney Dangerfield, it’s tough for Jian Ghomeshi to get any respect.

George ended up with the time slot that once was his, while Jian does a show that is basically The Hour on radio but with better guests, though no billboards to promote his dimples, nor live audience to applaud his grand entrance each day.

Still, there’s always some comfort to be had knowing that George’s star on the Walk of Fame won’t be any bigger than his. And he did score the big exclusive interview with Leonard Cohen.

Even bigger, people all over the world got to see his encounter with Billy Bob Thornton, and fans everywhere rose up to applaud his composure.
Not that 2,160,760 hits on YouTube did anything for his career. The encounter was, after all, a fluke.

Academy Award Winner versus Lying Bastards of the CBC.


  • letitb says:

    Its such a shame to see all these VILE comments on JIan Ghomeshi,give the poor guy some credit.He’s just a working stiff like the rest of us,he’s just working for the weekend like us ALL!
    An Ode 2Ghomeshi;
    I believe in Jian Ghomeshi,
    I believe that he’s no tree,
    I believe that ur stuck with him &CBC!!
    Watch out kids and you’ll see
    Time for u to support a Canadian Personality!
    I believe in wee Ghomeshi!!

  • anonymous says:

    Why doesn’t CBC do a mid-season replacement show featuring Jian in a no-holds-barred, battle-to-the-death cage match with Strombo? With the winner taking on Mansbridge. Hell, I’d watch it, and maybe even PVR it for later enjoyment.

  • anonymous says:

    It’s entertaining when Letterman, Conan, Stewart, and Colbert can take an awkward interview/guest and make it funny. It’s not entertaining when Jean takes an awkward interview/guest and makes it more awkward.

  • Fidel says:

    It’s pretty sad when a boring Billy Bob Thornton interview is the high point of your career.

  • Anonymous says:

    Didn’t Moxy Fruvous have a song: Green Eggs & Yam?

  • MeatCurtainsGirl says:

    Anyone else think it’s weird that Jian is the only man in his 40’s with the same hairstyle as Zac Efron?

  • Hubert Lapoon says:

    Never underestimate Jian’s ability to make every interview – even one with a pissed off celebrity – dull, lifeless, boring and damn near comatose.

  • Anonymous says:

    Jian is MetaMan!

  • Anonymous says:

    The hyping of this interview was a shameless PR stunt by Jian and Q. The interview itself was a non event. It was nothing more than a sedated and lethargic Billy Bob being prodded by Jian every step of the way to elaborate on his displeasure.

    Jian went out of his way to try to make a name for himself with this interview, making himself available to every news outlet and scribe that had even the slightest interest in the story. Hope he enjoyed his 15 minutes.

  • PoonGirl says:

    JiHam as Yamma Mamma. Together that are Jamma Hamma !

    The good thing about Jian striking gold with the Billy Bob Thorton YouTube video is now 2,160,760 people have decided not to give a shit of Jian either.

  • Anonymous says:

    Q: American. Celebrities. Exalted. Why is it this show is besotted with every American B-List Celebrity? From Billy Bob to Hulk Hogan. Can anyone remember any Canadian aboriginal artists/entertainers being interviewed?

    • Anonymous says:

      Does David Suzuki count? Because I’m pretty sure he’s on some CBC show on some CBC station right now……if not right now, then wait a few minutes and he’ll be there.

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