Right idea, right deity, wrong CBC



  • Anony-nony says:

    I realize that no one links any more in blogs or web pages and this is why Google, which is mainly based on links, is going crumbly from lack of structure, but did anyone think to look at Lucas Pace (luca space?) website or twitter description?

    He is the young Junior High Pastor (Youth outreach?) of the Compass Bible Church at 150 Columbia Street, Aliso Viejo, Calif. 92656, whence the CBC.

    See http://www.compasschurch.org/about/ if you dare.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hence the “wrong CBC”

    • Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation says:

      I’ll pray for you to get a sense of humour.

      What do you think this site is, a fucking university campus?

  • Anon says:

    CBC = U.S. Congressional Black Caucus in the US and a common search result when looking for the Ceeb on most search and newsearch engines.

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