If you haven’t lost your faith yet…

Our friends may not have lost hope, but everyone else around them has. Well at least many of us who have no stake in this shit and shake our heads at the money being spent. Who are we? We are workers, we are management, we are viewers, we are listeners, but mostly we are all twits.

Twitter - Justin Beach- Finding the revamped CBC

See what happens when Joe loses his super user editor rights? All the twits start showing signs of dyslexia. And much like poor spelling online, you can find negative reaction to the new CBC News pretty much anytime you look.

Twitter - Corvin Russell- CBC tv news

Maybe that’s what’s going on. The easiest way to “go viral” is to make a jack ass of yourself.

Twitter - T.Diamantis- Can't believe CBC news reb ..._1256834907135

Indeed some of the monitors at our desks are so old that the contrast makes many twits practically unreadable.

Twitter - Owen Perry- The new CBC choice

Well that explains part of it, at least you know when the font is criticized that even the parts you thought were good are in fact not.

Twitter - Adam Adamou- The new #cbc news format

I thought it all looked familiar. Yet who would like that sort of thing?

Twitter - Charlene Croft- almost overnight

Bingo. Can we say target market?

Twitter - Karley Tabak- Loving

Wouldn’t it be even more cute if Mark appeared via hologram? He’s tall enough to pull it off.

Twitter - Kira F- Hey CBC!

Hey, that’s our job. Good advice though, let’s see what we find.

Twitter - Alfred Hermida- Sigh.

Oh noes! Dissed by digital news pioneer @Hermida

Twitter - Mathew Ingram- @cbcmarkkelley- Twitter - Rachel Nixon- @cbcmarkkelley

Not to worry, the King Twit and Queen Twit have welcomed you. That should get you in with the digital news pioneers.

Twitter - Alfred Hermida- Please

There ya go. That’s how social media works. Engage your critics, and turn a complaint into an endorsement. That should translate into followers.

Mark Kelley (cbcmarkkelley) on Twitter

Oh, I see your problem. You’re only following 4 twits, rather insignificant ones at that. Why not try a service like Twollow.com which allows you to build your followers without having to use or understand the twit machine. Cheaper than paying PR companies to try and tweet your case.

Twitter - CharmaineKhan- If you missed it yesterday

So even as with Peter you’re just not interested in really being on Twitter you can have your flacks tweet a link to your post defending the new standing quo where the comments I’m sure are more favourable than we twits.

CBC News - The National blog - About the -standing-

Oh well. Let the twits fall where they may.

Twitter - Mark_Hamilton- @SimonOstler

Instead, if they really want to be approachable, they should have the guts to do what the real early adopters do, include GPS co-ordinates with their complaints so if you have a problem with it you can take it right to them.

Twitter - redman- Have you heard the new CBC


  • Rusty says:

    I saw this over on FO’s personal website:

    “The problem here is I am rather big on principle. Not just general ethics but journalistic ethics are rather important to me.”

    “But given the choice between maintaining my integrity and allowing a man I can no longer trust to alter my work, I choose to burn down the village to save it. Except I have copies of the village cached elsewhere.”

    “Remember, Alphonse: I know who you are, where you work, and where you live. You won’™t get to cross me more than once.”

    I remember this one time watching Mansbridge where he threatened somebody he was interviewing with “I know where you live”.

    Dude. Do you know how crazy this sounds? I don’t want to make things worse here, but A.O. is the originator of the site, and therefore the editor and chief. If you don’t like it, why not split, and vent your poison elsewhere? You can turn off comments altogether, and then nobody will be able to hurt your feelings while you rip into them yourself.

    From my perspective, you’ve violated one of the most important principles of this website, namely the need for anonymity. That’s both childish and douchy to the nth degree. Once again, you should be ashamed of yourself.

  • cbc ottawa says:

    Bridg ’œI get it, (it’™s the Internet) on television’

    And how long before they simply move CBC television to the Internet?

  • Anonymous says:

    Good riddance to the widely detested Joe Clark, unwelcome everywhere he sets foot.

    • Fake Matthew Blackett says:

      The only thing that sucks about Joe’s ‘exuent from faux-ancienne meta meta teamakers’ is how all those hi-larious comments went with him!

      Onward and upward, Teamakers! Long live free-for-all comments and shitty HTML!

    • Alsononymous says:

      Good riddance indeed. The sound and fury of his departure serve only to emphasize that it was the best end result for all involved.

    • Anonymous says:

      Joe’s broken as a human being and well past the hope of repair.

      • Douche Patroller says:

        “… broken as a human being and well past the hope of repair … ”

        True that! However, to paraphrase an oft-used 20th century phrase popular with 7 year old schoolboys, his dad is gonna sue your dad!

        Even if do ‘out’ Ouimet Joe, you know yourself that an apple to apple comparison of what you are/do/did versus what she is/does/did would pretty much be a pie in your face.

  • Bridg says:

    “I get it, (it’s the Internet) on television”


  • Anon says:

    “cbc ottawa says: [October 29, 2009 at 11:53 pm]
    Just saw them spend $113,000 on a TV for Evan Soloman to stand in front of’¦ meanwhile Radio is cut because of ’œrevenue shortfalls’ in TV?”

    Yes, cutting CBC Overnight was false economy and the nation is rent asunder by the reduction of the local noon regional shows to only 1 hour. Radio is so pervasive, so much better done, and the senior service that there should be greater investment not less.
    It may be one big Mother Corp, but some sections such as Radio, Archives, Children’s programming, should be increased for future benefit of society and the Corp.
    Now they can’t even do any in-house drama because they have trashed the backstages.

  • CRTC says:

    Anyone have nudes of Diana Swain??

  • cbc ottawa says:

    Just saw them spend $113,000 on a TV for Evan Soloman to stand in front of… meanwhile Radio is cut because of “revenue shortfalls” in TV?

  • Bridg says:

    Editor, writer, whatever. The only lord up in this hizz is the omnipotent webmaster.

    For what it is worth, Fake Ouimet, I hope you keep writing here.

  • Blimey says:

    So, for all the money that went into this, I wonder how many people in the kids department were thrown out or reassigned?

    Good work.

  • Fawny Happypants says:

    Alright, I will finally say it. It really has gotten better around here!

  • Anon says:

    EAP = Employees Assistance Program. Non-medical help in counselling, addictions, legal messes and so on. Added as a benefit beyond basic medical/dental/pension.

    Too much acronyms and inside jargon like TPI, CBC and other obscure terms.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Shorter Tea Makers EAP: Joe, take a chill pill. Nobody here cares about this but you.

    Except this affects me, so the argument there seems rather circular, if not irrelevant altogether.

    I have promised not to reveal Alphonse Ouimet’™s identity and I will go to the wall to live up to that promise. I have standards and, like any ethical journalist, will protect my sources. I won’™t pretend to have made other promises when I actually didn’™t.

    Everything I wrote here and on my blog stands.

  • Teamakers EAP says:

    Fake Ouimet, here’s a little free advice for you.

    Yeah, you’re smart, a good writer, whatever, whatever. But when you come to the blog ‘strapped in dynamite’ with some veiled insinuations in your prose that might choose to divulge Alphonse’s identity or similar info, that’s just fucked.

    You are allowed, like the everyone else in this world, to make mistakes and be embarrassed. Relax. You should learn to love to be wrong once in a while. Stop taking such heavy personal stock in the vitriol that floats through here. Head down to the Teamakers Atrium and veg for a while! Don’t split so many hairs, dude! Take a more McGrath like approach if you will.

    Instead, I have a distinct worry that you will end up fucking Teamakers over in some endless, pointless meta-meta discussion that frankly, nobody but you gives a flying frig about.

    My personal comment policy for this comment is this : start fresh, by not even dignifying this comment with a reply. How meta would THAT be?

    I wish you well, seriously.

  • Bridg says:

    Well shit, here I thought this site was about making tea.

  • z says:

    Now, now. You two play nice or I’ll have to have Allan put you in time out.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    I didn’™t ’œlose’ my rights; you took them away. In case readers aren’™t aware, the Tweet Makers and Alphonse Ouimet are one and the same. I never promised not to reveal that.

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