Monthly Archives: December 2008

The web page Brian Mulroney’s lawyers are looking at today

Maybe two, the video and the documents of the big lie.

The CBC isn’t so bad. Look at our neighbors

The CBC isn’t so bad even in the time of King Richard, not when you compare it with some other outfits—like Gannett. Just came across a Gannett equivalent of Teamakers, the Gannett Blog. It’s hot as hell right now in the US because Gannett employees are going through hell. That blog is currently in crisis […]

Premature reporting

Insidethecbc reports that The National is going to 7 days a week, and Evan and Carol facing possible cancellation of their weekend show.Within an hour the posting is removed.

‘Who says “Intelligence” is over?’

Well, Ian Tracey, by implication.

Unveiling of CBC News Renewal Project

From: Jennifer McGuire It’s time to unveil the work we’ve been doing around the CBC News Renewal project. Join us on Wednesday at 2 p.m. ET for a look at the work that has been done so far. It’s the beginning of a process that will involve many of you in the months to come. […]

Fatboy’s boldface

List, in order of appearance, of boldfaced terms in Fatboy diatribe against CBC, CBC-haters, and the Tea Makers: CBC President Hubert Lacroix hiring freeze Radio 2 Air Farce Q Geminis CBC there are people working hard – busting their ass, in fact – to reach audiences, to make news and information and drama and comedy […]

Rhyme for Canada

In times of political crisis, Canadians turn to poetry, so the CBC tells us. The call for submissions begins earnestly enough: There once was a man named Stephen,With the Libs he wanted to get even,He took all their money,And thought it was funny,But now we all know he’s just thievin’ but the rhymes get less […]

Call for participation: usability testing

CBC Digital Programming is looking for people to take part in occasional website research. Usability testing involves observing users doing tasks on the website to see where they have problems or become frustrated. It’s quick (30-minute sessions), fun and really helps us improve the user experience on Contact Beth Robins, Usability ReviewerDigital Programming and […]

1,000 to 1

Facebook fan-count smackdown: CTV: 14 CBC: 14,525

One vp to rule us all

It seems like only a week ago President Hubert was declaring war against wastefulness at the CBC, like Eliott Ness going after Al Capone: In other words, if it’s discretionary, it’s gone. If it’s anything less than a bona fide requirement, it’s gone. If it’s not absolutely strategic, it’s gone. Well, that was last week. […]

A Generation of Local TV Anchors Is Signing Off

The New York Times says many US local anchors are losing their jobs as they are replaced by the younger and cheaper. Same thing is happening here of course with the CTV layoffs. Is CBC next?

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