Hey CBC employee. Don’t cancel jPod.

CBCers browsing Facebook strictly on their own personal time yesterday may have been surprised when confronted with this advertisement narrowcasted directly to them. Brought to you by savejpod.ca.

No word on whether the target demographic for the ad, Richard Stursberg, has a Facebook account, and if so, how many people he has “poked.”

Thanks, iNudes.


  • Firefly says:

    Over on the facebook groups for jPod, there is quite a bit of discontent after the Finale for jPod last night. Seems it ended on a Cliffhanger and now they are even angrier over its cancellation. I can’t remember the last time so many people got their knickers in a knot over a CBC show not being renewed. Should this not be an indication to the CBC that it was shortsighted in it’s decision?

    I’ve gathered the CBC isn’t publicly acknowledging the Complaints at all. Seems they are playing the waiting game and ignoring the Fans in the hopes that the whole thing will just go away. Classy.

  • Rhiannon says:

    On behalf of savejpod.ca, I’d like to thank you for linking back to our site. The movement is gaining momentum every day, thanks to the support of websites like yours and people like you. Thanks so much, and be sure to drop by our website to see our new stats!

  • Aidan says:

    That’s my ad! I actually have two running. One “narrowcasted” at folks with Douglas Coupland as an interest and the other to CBC employees. Here are the results:

    Save jpod (Coupland fans in Canada) has been viewed 104,445 with 258 people clicking the link.

    Don’t Cancel jPod – (CBC employees) has been viewed 29,236 and clicked on 124 times.

  • Anonymous says:

    Ha! Awesome.

    How many people are now seeding the savejpod file on Bittorrent? A couple thousand?

  • Anonymous says:

    I’m in the demographic the CBC is trying to reach and I love jPod. And I think it’s a mistake to canceI it without letting it have chance to find its audience. I saw Alan Thicke in the elevator today at the Broadcast Center and I said as much.

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