I for one welcome our new minority government overlords

Jan 25/2006 addendum:
I’ve had a number of emails asking me where I got this picture. It was on page A2 of the Globe and Mail on Jan 7/2006, and I snapped a photo of it. It reminded me of an excitable blogger who found something similar on CBC.ca.

And if you just can’t get enough Heil Harper, an anonymous source sent me this bizarre screencap from last night’s National.

Jan 26/2006 addendum:
Harper hasn’t been sworn in, but I’m already enjoying this New Dawn.

I mean, just read what these guys have to say about the CBC committing treason by putting “In 5 minutes Harper Hei(I-beam pointer) Lemieux 66 Says Goodbye” on the screen.

If this is all it takes to get these guys wound up, this should be an interesting year.

Jan 30/2006 addendum:
Last one – I promise! – this one a capture of CTV.ca that has got these guys in a tither. Somehow, blame turns to the CBC in the comments.

Jan 30/2006 (pm) addendum:
Sent to me by another reader. What I like about this one is that no matter how you answer this loaded question, you still get spam.


  • richfisher says:

    Sell the CBC, and burn it’s putrid soul.

  • Anonymous says:

    Obviously the inclusion of Lemieux (“the best”) was to indicate that only Quebecers should be prime minister.

    It’s too bad the “Harper” story wasn’t “in 6 minutes” (6 + 66 = 666). Then they could bring out the “CBC is anti-Christian” bats as well as the (bored now!) anti-Conservative spiel.

  • Anonymous says:

    Overreaction to a something that doesn’t even contect the two. If you are going to blow your load on a graphic then friends this country really is in the toliet!

  • Anonymous says:

    Heil … Mario Lemieux? Please this is just too ridiculous to take seriously.

  • Anonymous says:

    You can bet if they did the same for Guild chief Lise Lareau you and your CBC pals would be screaming bloody murder and demand stripping press credentials.

  • GZ says:

    Those wacky photographers…count on them to manage the most unflattering poses a subject could possibly hope for. OR…*dunh dunh dunh* is there something more sinister going on here?

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