5 years ago today, I wrote the first Tea Makers post.
Sure, it was not much of a post at all. In fact, it was pretty awful. But the point is, it was one of the smartest things I ever did.
So happy birthday, wherever you are. We couldn’t have made it this far without you.
5 years. Time to shut The Tea Makers down. It now reads like a blog foe spite filled, foul mouthed 15 year olds. What’s the point?
… then where would people gather to read thoughtful observations such as yours?
Somewhere not populated by spite filled, foul mouthed 15 year olds I guess?
Your mediocre, forgettable and sporadically posted comments will be missed.
cbc ottawa is dead, long live cbcottawa!
also cant we all just agree that our lives are kinda equally shitty in some shape or form?
that’s your depression talking, raymi.
im just trying (failing) to point out that i don’t see myself as better than anybody else. we all fall down right? sometimes my life is very charmed and sometimes it isn’t.
Thanks so much for all your great contributions to Teamakers over the last five years, Raymi.
Thank you, Ouimet! for giving us a blog that’s “slightly out of the ordinary with a bunch of a fame sprinkled on top.”
allan when are you going to let everybody know you brought me a bottle of wine to my art show?
Now Raymi is ripping off your lines, Ouimet!
Also: Raymi has a Blackberry??
@Anonymous Being an internet troll at 1:30 AM on a Saturday night = Your Shitty Life
yup and i got it for free because i tweeted that i wanted to be sponsored a free phone and within a half hour the deal was done. how’s that for being a shit blogger?
The 5th Anniversary gift is wood. Let’s all meet at Ikea!