CBC Mailbag

Canadian Tire Commercial:
“There are too many of them and they’re terrible.”

Sensodyne Commercial:
“Commercial is offensive. When he says that when the woman turns the tap so that the guy in the shower gets cold water, he says that if the roles would be reversed the man inflicting pain to the woman, there would be an outcry! You don’t show someone inflicting pain to another human being on TV!”

(In French) “I am interested in the work that you produce and I was wondering if it is at all possible to apply for some work with your productions? I am flexible with my hours.”

“I know this is not your show but if anyone can help me, I know you can. I am trying to contact Kelsey Grammar. How can I do this?”

“There was a woman being interviewed on Newsworld regarding Michael Jackson bracelets. It was obvious that she was trying to send coded messages across the country by blinking in a strange fashion.”

(93-year-old caller) “Not happy that news anchors have given up suits in favour of sweaters. Far too informal.”

“The CBC promotes the one-ton challenge yet airs weather reports from different locations daily. Why promote the one-ton challenge with Rick Mercer if you don’t practice restraint yourself. For example, Colleen Jones dragging a film crew to many locations to read daily weather reports.”

“I am upset that you are airing foreign movies with subtitles all the time. They are depressing and I wish that you would air some positive movies in English.”

on Julie van Dusen: “Please can somebody tell her to do something about her hair? It is offensive.”


  • Judi Johnny says:

    This sounds very interesting I’m from the north I can only guess that you’re from Central Canada. Today two CBC gentlemen volunteered to help me clean my office. Instead of walking the picket line they can do 10 hrs of volunteering. Nice bunch of people. They told me that the talks are gooooooooing very slow. I do hope that everything gets resolved before winter sets in. It’s already fall.

  • jenkew says:

    You crack me up. I too have read the National’s mailbag. It was a wonderfully, wonderfully Canadian array of complaints.

    I know we are on opposite sides of this dispute (or whatever it should be called) but I sure hope you keep the funnies coming.

    Laughing is a big necessity these days.

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