During your interviews, George, do you ever get a Stromboner?

PoonGirl has it in her head to interview Stroumbo.
I don’t know what she wants to ask him, but I’m sure the result would be interesting.
I also don’t think it’s likely to happen.
Although there are dozens of interviews with George strewn across YouTube, every one of them have something in common. George’s butt must be kissed before and throughout the interview.
Only the Stroumbo-friendly are allowed access to his mind.

And besides, he is so practiced now that all she’ll get are evasive or pat answers.
Neither he nor Jian will tell it straight because they see themselves as ambassadors of the CBC, and therefore bound to give only politically correct answers. Though they assert that they have independent thoughts, anyone would be hard-pressed to say what either of them actually stand for.
In Jian’s case it’s basically more funding for the arts, an area in which he has a direct financial stake.
For George it’s motorcycles, hockey fanaticism, and finding different ways of saying he’s not a brainwashed Christian, when it’s kind of obvious that he is.
Both of them want to stay on the safe side of as many Canadians as possible.
No questions about abortion, please, or if either of them belong to a political party.
Better to stick with “which was your favourite and which was your most difficult interview?”
But that’s probably not what PoonGirl has in mind.


  • Alan says:


  • Anonymous says:

    I’d like to know what kind of horrible nerd identity trauma he suffered as a youth to still be trying so hard at this late of an age to be cool and failing miserably.

  • PoonGirl says:

    I want to know if George is straight, gay or bisexual. If he has ever been turned on by a man. What guests he would want to bang. How often he masturbates. Maybe also administer a lie detector test like Howard Stern does. Then, I want him to tell me how he’s “fearless”.

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