Barbara Budd a Guest on The Hour?

What are the odds that recently laid off “presenter” Barbara will be sitting in the red chair across from “respected journalist” George?

After 17 years of being only a voice on CBC Radio, you’d think that a Canadian audience would like to get a good look at her.

And she could explain why she’s leaving, while looking across at the commodity the CBC considers more valuable than her.


  • Real Talk says:


    Budd is a nightmare to work with and that’s why she’s gone. It’s been a long time coming; there’s a long list of managers and producers placed elsewhere to placate the star, but enough was enough. Her petulance cost her every ally.

    She’s like an overgrown child. I’m sorry if it feels to some of you that you’re losing a friendly, familiar voice, but that turns to screech when the mics go off.

    • cbc ottawa says:

      Always best to leave the curtain drawn on celebrities… don’t weant to know the ugliness in the background.

    • Allan says:

      We get the picture.
      No one doubts that over the course of 17 years Ms. Budd made a few enemies.
      And that inter-personal relationships are an important factor in the workplace.
      Kick Barbara all you want at Tea Makers, but on the national stage, she deserves to be treated with honour and respect for a great performance over so many years.
      When the CBC demeans an individual, as is the case here, it demeans itself, and its profession.

      Here’s a surprising fact. There are a lot of assholes in broadcasting.
      So many that it may well be a required, and acquired, skill.

      • Change of heart says:

        so allan, are you going to refrain from demeaning george from now on?

        • Allan says:

          thereby no longer demeaning myself by bringing further attention to that mimbo?
          Many decisions we are called upon to make in life can place us in a quandary.
          Shake that Magic 8-Ball, Poongirl, and let’s see what it says … ah, of course … “highly unlikely”.

  • Vox Clamantis in Deserto says:

    On air flubs are more likely the result of the associate producer or whoever used to vet scripts being let go so that Budd is expected to read at sight scripts which have not been edited to flow easily when read aloud.

  • Bud Lite says:

    Always loved her voice and presence on-air, BUT… is it just me, or can she barely get through a paragraph of script these days without flubbing a line?

    Lately — as in, for the past few years — it’s sounded to me like she hasn’t even given the scripts a once over before reading them live.

    Nevertheless, I can’t imagine anyone simulating, let alone replicating, her place as someone we’re all happy to have in our kitchens, cars, etc., at half past six every night.

    Letting her go may be a dumb move, but she made it an easy dumb move.

    • Concerned Citizen says:

      If she’s having problems with flubbing, maybe she has a hidden health problem that needs attention.

  • Anonymous says:

    Budd is a pretty cool last name.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hubert Lacroix & company are doing a great job of destroying the CBC. Hubert sold off $155 million in CBC assets to recoup monies lost due to the incompetence of upper management. And lets not forget the 800 or so lucky folks that were let go by the CBC last year. And Hubert is still President of the CBC. It’s always someone else’s fault, isn’t it?

    • I totally agree. The CBC is such a mess. There are many factors contributing to its demise, but the biggest is the poor management. There are too many mangers – both upper and lower. On the same day that it was announced that the CMF envelope was reduced by $12.6 million, it was also announced that there was a new DIRECTOR of Health, Safety and Environment. This is funny on many levels. The $12.6 million is translated using the number of shows that may have to be cut. But, I see no example using how many DIRECTORS are going to have to be cut. In addition, there is a new director of ‘HEALTH, SAFETY and ENVIRONMENT’ – (I am really laughing now) -CBC has one of the biggest percentages of stress leave due mainly to the poor management of the company, the corruption in the place, and the overall depressing disposition of the entire staff. Honestly, I think it’s a huge joke. And, the fact that it is allowed to continue is mind-numbing. But then again, when you have the managers in bed with the directors and the directors in bed with the Federal govt, then there is not much that can be done to improve the situation, right? The people I feel for are the everyday workers who actually want to provide public broadcaster type content to the country, and the taxpayers who actually want a public broadcaster. Those people go in to work each day or sign Facebook petitions to try and save the public broadcaster of our lovely country; however, all they are really doing is putting money in the wallets of senior managers and directors either by their salaries, bonuses, or HUGE expense accounts. SHAME!!

  • CBC employee & Tea Makers insider says:

    Who’s Barbara Budd?

    • Vox Clamantis in Deserto says:


    • Rod Maffin says:

      Ignorance is bliss. Speaking of which, who is this Jean Gomeshi that I’m hearing about? Is she worth giving a listen to?

      • Anon says:

        “Speaking of which, who is this Jean Gomeshi that I’™m hearing about? Is she worth giving a listen to?”

        Never mind, move along. She’s been asked to leave the building. (We can only hope.)

        Twit(ter) post
        “Working out at a swankster gym in West Hollywood is an exercise in distraction. And I keep expecting someone to tell me to leave. (46 minutes ago by @jianghomeshi)”

  • Allan says:

    from the Globe&Mail (

    Ms. Budd’™s termination is another sign of the corporation’™s efforts to update its programming, observers have noted. ’œIt isn’™t enough to have the audience that you have,’ she says, explaining her take on the CBC’™s rationale. ’œ[But] it’™s not as if As it Happens doesn’™t already have [younger people] listening and writing in.
    ’œMy performance was never called into question during these discussions,’ she adds. ’œOver the last while, the corporate spokespeople and the senior management have always been very clear that they’™ve been fans of mine.’
    But the CBC wants more journalists on air as opposed to ’œpresenters,’ which is how Ms. Budd, who is an actor, has been described. It’™s a delineation that slightly rankles. ’œI haven’™t studied journalism, but I think that, on the job for 17 years, after being so closely entrenched in the show, people might assume that there’™s a certain amount of journalism that’™s rubbed off on me.’ Still, she’™s not bitter. ’œI knew I wasn’™t the journalistic part of the duo. I didn’™t quibble with it because I loved what I was doing, and in listeners’™ minds, there’™s never any distinction between those roles.’


  • Anonymous says:

    None of you supposedly keen observers of the CBC scene is anywhere close to figuring out why Ms Budd will soon be terminally As it Happened. Which is odd considering how many people have first-hand experience of the scenario. Clearly, they (unlike the Ghomeshi-obsessed troll convention that populates this now rather sad site) have better ways of wasting their time.

    • I ♥ PoonGirl & Allan says:

      Your post is a waste of time. As are all your other posts under various pseudonyms.

      I remember a time, back in days of yesteryear, when we had actual CBC insiders, employees and ex-employees posting on this site – not obvious poseurs like yourself.

      • Anonymous says:

        Which of the multitude of posters on this blog are “I ♥ PoonGirl & Allan” referring to as poseurs in the 3:06am! (get a life, or at least some sleep) posting?

        • The Fake Estate of Meta Fake Moe Kaufman says:

          It’s fun to think that there’s only one anonymous/pseudonymous. There are several.

          As for Budd, does it take a CBC employee to tell us that she is retiring from a long career during a time of change – and that there was likely some managerial douchebaggery afoot?

  • Anonymous says:

    Interesting that the CBC hires more VJ’s than journalists from the MuchMusic-CityTV family.

    • Captain Lights says:

      The CBC obviously has some brilliant secret plan for the future of Canadian TV and radio that involves stockpiling VJ’s.

  • Out with the old....... says:

    The Ceeb will save themselves a lot of money in the long run by firing people before they reach pension plan eligibility age. It’s cruel, but they must do what they must do to keep bringing you quality programs like Little Mosque on the Prairie and brilliant documentaries like Those Uber Cool Darn Nazis (or whatever that Strombo doc was called).

  • Anonymous says:

    Love the irony of one of Moses Znaimer’s music video stooges being in charge of replacing “presenters” with “journalists”.

  • Howard Stern's Nose says:

    From the tweet world –

    CBC’s every attempt to attract young audiences will only drive them away. e.g. strombo. he’s not bf, he’s old enough to be dad.
    about 6 hours ago via web

  • Murray McLauchlan's questionable taste in "women" says:

    “Keep Barbara Budd on CBC’s As It Happens” Facebook Group (some fine Ghomeshi bashing going on there too)

    • Anon says:

      Only 8 mentions of the execrable Mr. Jian Ghomeshi so far, but it’s early days to save Barbara Budd and AIH.

  • Vox Clamantis in Deserto says:

    Ed! Ed! Ed!

  • Nomadic Nomind says:

    I vote for “Ed the Sock”.

  • Dazed&Confused says:

    What about the gleeful “Rick the Temp”?

  • Anonymous says:

    Which one of Denise’s MuchMusic buddies will be getting Barbara’s job?

    Laurie Brown or Sook Yin Lee?

    • anonymous says:

      Hear Laurie Brown fill-in hosting Q this week. Not a good fit at all. Very dull.

      • LocalYokel says:

        The show is boring. Ghomeshi just puts an E! style spin on the stories that creates a sound of importance\interest. A real journalist would be ashamed to host Q as it’s currently produced.

        • Allan says:

          With one broadcast of “Q”, Jian is paid more than you will earn in a week. He’s that talented and important.

          • Nymph O. Maniac says:

            By talent, you must mean the ability to flirt with anyone at anytime. Jian flirts with all his guests, so that makes the show “seem” less boring because your just wondering if he is finally going to score.

  • Meet the new boss....same as the old boss.... says:

    Denise Donlon’s experience (programming music videos for Moses Znaimer) apparently trumps all :–godzilla-to-stomp-back-to-theatres

    The content and format of CBC Radio One’™s popular nightly current affairs program As It Happens will remain unchanged following the April 30 departure of its longtime co-host and ’œofficial voice,’ Barbara Budd, CBC brass said yesterday.

    Responding to listeners’™ concerns over news of the veteran broadcaster’™s sacking, announced Monday night, CBC Radio spokesman Jeff Keay told the Star Tuesday, ’œthe show’™s vision and mandate will continue in the same format and with two hosts, as in the past.’

    Like Carol Off, As It Happens’™ host/interviewer since 2006, Budd’™s yet-to-be-announced replacement will ’œlikely have some kind of journalistic background,’ Keay said.

    Budd’™s designation was co-host, because she was officially an announcer and not a journalist/interviewer, he said, adding, ’œCarol Off was the actual host of the program.’

    As to who in the CBC silenced the popular voice of As It Happens after 17 years, Keay said, ’œIt was a collaborative decision involving the producers and others involved with the show, including (CBC Radio general manager) Denise Donlon.’

  • Vox Clamantis in Deserto says:

    Branding over quality / labels over content? Yes the real world.
    When management do not know what they are doing or are too ignorant or lazy to recognize personal qualities which produce excellence they turn to diplomas.

    There is a place for degrees / diplomas / education but none of these are an indicator of how someone will really perform. Experience trumps paper.

  • Vox Clamantis in Deserto says:

    Ah the marching victory of “credentialism”!

  • Bye Bye Budd(ie) says:

    If the CBC is choosing to no longer be a safe haven for every unemployable half-wit/musician/actor with a degree in Theatre Arts, Political Science or high school drop out (Rick Mercer, Sook-Yin Lee), I see nothing wrong with that. If anything, it sounds like a restoration of sanity.

  • Vox Clamantis in Deserto says:

    Journalism degrees are a joke and no guarantee of intelligence or ability. Budd has experience and more importantly charisma. I am not interested in the opinions of some snotty 20 something. I was not interested in their musings at 20 and even less so at 40.

    CBC Radio is cutting its own throat!

    • Anon says:

      Speaking of throats, does anyone listen to Peter (Shouter) Armstrong do the morning World Report at 5, 6, 7, 8 (also Maritimes)?

      The “real journalist” wanker was renowned for field reports reading government handouts and really has a voice for windy recording, not in a quiet studio.

      Maybe he should be for the noose.

      I’m sure we could get back Judy Maddren (now at Guelph) under Stursberg’s no-compulsory-retirement clause.

      • fanner says:

        Yes — I agree. Peter the I am very Serious newsman Armstrong is awful for morning news. Anybody but him would be an improvement.

        • Anonymous says:

          Gotta say I agree. He can’t read without stumbling, and seriously, radio is all about the sound. Yes he’s experienced, but I want my news delivered by someone who sounds great. It doesn’t take experience to read.

      • A-nony-nony says:

        Catch Peter-the-Screamer-Armstrong on the West Coast on-line feed.
        That’s about 11 am Toronto Time (8 am, B.C.) and he’s been megaphoning the news to the Maritimes since 4 am.
        Just awful. The westcoasters don’t know what to make of him or the stumbles on the main on-the-hour newscasts.

        Yes lets bring back Judy Maddren, she’s younger than Stursberg and their is no compulsory retirement in federal jurisdictions.

        Don’t we miss Barbara Smith from World at Six, instead of Alison Smith (a “real” journalist, but not a great newsreader)?

  • OFF! Poontastic says:

    The Hour won’t be on much longer. George will still have a job with the CBC, but as host of Q on CBC Radio One. George does have a degree in Radio Broadcasting, unlike the current host, and the current host’s shoddy work ethic coupled with his demands for time off so that he can mug for the cameras while on tour with his musical protégé, make his dismissal all the more timely.

  • Anonymous says:

    The CBC is doing a complete overhaul. Barbara will not be the only “presenter” exiting the premises. Right now, any “on air talent” at the CBC without a degree in journalism is soiling his/her bohemian hipster undergarments. They’ve all been put on notice. The days of pseudo journalism/entertainment are over at the CBC.

    • Anonymous says:

      So they should be! Damn, we all have opinions…does that we mean we should all be employed by the CBC?

    • Dazed&Confused says:

      Is this why Jian is out of town? Is he looking for another job?

    • John Craham says:

      Lloyd Robertson, Peter Mansbridge, Alan Maitland, Barbara Frum, Robert Fulford, Peter Gzowski, Patrick Watson, Mary Lou Finlay, Peter Jennings, Robin (Robert) McNeil. What do these icons of Canadian broadcast journalism have in common? No journalism degree and in many cases no undergraduate degree at all. Five of the ten were either English or History majors, but the others were totally unlettered. So cut the crap CBC. What’s the real reason for Budd’s dismissal?

  • The Fake Estate of Meta Fake Moe Kaufman says:

    A modest proposal indeed, Alan. But I don’t think we’ll ever see it.

    BBudd is too classy to pull some Vicki Gaberau style axe grinding about her working conditions/climate on the airwaves. You remember how boring that was, I’m sure.

    Now, Barbara Budd doing an on-air exit interview with Richard Stursberg, that would be some killer shit.

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