Sometimes its better not say anything at all!

Oww! I shot myself in the poon!


  • PoonGirl says:

    I feel special, some guys name a star afer you to show they like you but JFM aka Jeff names a star after me. Thanks Jeff.

  • Real Patrice Nortel as Fake Patrice Nortel says:

    So, Ouimi3t, are you @Tod, or not? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

    Happy y.2.k.X, fans!


  • Ouimet says:

    I get the allusion, and I think PG gets the joke, but I have to confess that this picture of a woman shooting herself on the front page of the blog makes me uncomfortable.

    And while I think we’re all fair game for criticism – those who write here and those who don’t – blog posts about other blog posts, with big colourful photos, is not useful, and probably not all that fun to read.

    Be careful with writing about each other, lest you descend into irrelevance.

  • Anonymous says:

    Much/MTV produces drones – anyone remember Max Headroom?

  • Anonymous says:

    I believe Poongirl’s talents would be best utilized by having her intern at Much or MTV Canada, and from there she can develop her talents and thus be hired nearly instantly by the CBC for various content creation projects that satisfy both teamakers and social media trendistas.
    Then she’ll have the clout to do whatever she wishes with Strombo… and perhaps she’ll invite Allan to liveblog the encounter(s).
    Personally, my fingers are firmly crossed for the future.

    • Anonymous says:

      Uh, as if. The moment anyone enters the Much/MTV matrix they are finished. No more. Nothing worthwhile left to contribute to this society. Those cess pools taint and warp all who walk within its walls. One of the problems with our media industry is we rely upon institutions like that for early stages of talent development. Hence why we have such poor talent.

  • Anonymous says:

    Could we please get back to discussing the CBC, rather than the bloggers! Holy meta!

  • Anonymous says:

    If PoonGirl is a threat to the establishment, this can only be good.

  • JFM says:

    “Why George Not Only Defriended Me, But Blocked Me On Facebook” and i’m making her the focus?
    Anyway by looking at the Comments it looks like the 3 way You, Allan and Poon have is the only reason why your readership seems so high.

    • Google Analytics says:

      Actually we make an effort within our analytics configuration to filter out our contributors so as to accurately measure our audience. The wordpress plugin is nice that way. People like to underestimate this site as being run by a bunch of cranks without understanding the true nature of this long term evolving experiment.

      • Allan says:

        Let me quietly add … an experiment that has significantly impacted the CBC, as John knows well or he would not be wasting his time here. So too, Tea Makers has impacted and challenged the construct of a blog and what the rules are for discourse in social media. We are forever indebted to the founder of this elegant web site, Ouimet, but it is our collective participation that has made this location and these free-flowing discussions such a compelling, stimulating and often joyful place to be.

        And, oh yeah, George Sees The Good In Every Asshole

  • Allan says:

    Trying to put PoonGirl in a corner, John?
    This is a poor way to go about it, and does not reflect well on you.
    Focusing on her as the subject of a post only serves to boost her already meteoric rise to stardom, so a bit more like shooting yourself in the foot.

  • Anonymous says:

    The reaction by certain readers of this blog to the addition of the lovely PoonGirl is precisely why she is both welcome with open arms and will be empowered to further develop her style and character. The gerontocracy that is embedded in the corpse has always prevented new and young ideas to shake things up. Not here. We deliberately seek out shit that will upset you, while also fostering a long term strategy of serious agitation. PoonGirl is part of a new talent development strategy in which we find people you will misjudge as superficial but in fact have far more depth and substance than any young hire inside the building.

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