Jim Henshaw

“Jesus fucking Christ, Wendy! You’re better than this! You already divorced this Mansbridge assclown once! What’re you doing co-signing his bullshit? You used to be one of the CBC’s best reporters. Why are you suddenly trying to become the next Samantha Bee?”

– Jim Henshaw, CBC Stops Covering the News

1 Comment

  • Anonymous says:

    It looks like a cheap version of the BBC News (including the desk, which looks like an old News24 desk that they couldn’t get illuminated because of European and North American standards differences). The set is a bit more like Sky News UK than BBC, but oh well. It fits with the CBC’s mission of “showing us what the BBC would look like if they had almost no money in contrast to their current budget.” Sit that Shadow Media MP down in front CBC for a few hours and he’ll become a TV license believer!

    I should point out to anyone who says that fancy production and quality journalism can’t coexist that the BBC has beeping noises, and thunderclaps, and projected CG newsrooms, and more brushed steel than an Apple Store; yet they still produce a pretty good day of news. They also often have hosts that stand up in front of screens and then sit down.

    I’m more concerned about the News Now set, which appears large enough that reporters and anchors can be a football field apart. It’s almost as bad as Sky UK, where panoramic shots of the newsroom every few hours can often reveal anchors rushing to get between set elements on time.

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