Just do what Kathy Tomlinson says and nobody’ll get hurt

Kathy Tomlinson Kathy Tomlinson is tired of these weasels and their weasely ways. She gives them what-for on her blog:

On another story I am working on, the gag order is so extreme and comical that the receptionist gets very upset when I call asking him to take a message for others. He made it clear even he has been told not to talk to CBC, period. The receptionist!

The receptionist, you say? Why, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think he’d never read our Journalistic Standards and Practices! Imagine the nerve!

And to all you weasels out there, in case you or your receptionist get any funny ideas, Kathy has a word of warning for you:

Thankfully, the accountable party in the story we are airing next has agreed to an on-camera interview. How refreshing. I guarantee they will come off looking much better than those who don’t.

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