Can you sink the honour of the CBC any lower, Mr. Stursberg?

Drabinsky’s “success” was complete and utter fakery, yet the the print scribes won’t denounce him. They easily forgive his swindling, of pocketbooks and minds, and call him talented. He even writes a book about himself, which despite his lame attempt at humility nevertheless reveals that anything he did that was worthwhile (rarely) was quite simply, a fluke. He just wanted to grow up and become important in some way, and the glamour and excitement of show business is a very good cover for ineptitude and a weak mind (Kiefer Sutherland, e.g.).
He had nothing to offer but bluff, yet over the course of the years that he was pretending to know what he was doing he gave out enough “favours” to the media leeches that they still feel beholding to this charlatan.
He’s a convicted criminal, but the management of the CBC has no qualms about giving him a platform of legitimacy and respectability.
As if it were still yet to be conclusively proven that he is a bald-faced liar and a crook.


  • Anonymous says:

    Here's an idea for Dick. He could get OJ for a song to comment on CFL games from his cell in Nevada or perhaps somekind of cheap content like a blog for all our platforms since we aren't really broadcasters any more.
    The Juice is only doing time for felony, he got off on the murder of his wife. Garth cooked the books so why no bring OJ onboard.

    Dick and his CBC issued credit card should head down to Vegas and bring along a friend. Like when Dick took Rick Mercer out to lunch and were joined by a mystery guest who the CBC will not identify.
    I wonder it the friend would be willing to share accommodation and first class air travel with Mr Stursberg

  • Dwight Williams says:

    Never mind. I just saw that Triple Sensation sidebar.

  • Dwight Williams says:


    Have they given him a spot as one of the Dragons?

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