Go and assist Christine Wilson

Hiring freeze? Layoffs? Don’t be silly. Christine Wilson needs an assistant.


  • Anonymous says:

    What nerve! Laying off highly-qualified everyday workers (who actually do work at the ceeb) but posting to hire a new person as the assistant to one of these bozos. Then again, let's not forget, the higher-ups need someone to book those $600 lunches with Rick Mercer. They can't use the telephone themselves – it's beneath them. They want to act like executives in the private sector and get paid big monies, and have big expense accounts, and have an assistant especially for them. Yeah, well, guess what bozos?? Taxpayers pay your salaries and expense accounts, whereas private sector executives use revenue monies (oh yeah, and private sector executives actually do WORK for their rewards). Tools run the CEEB.

  • Anonymous says:

    Yes. Bad management alright. Now these bright lights at the top along with the managing editors and the regional directors have turned to that American firm MAGID to program the local CBC newscasts. Isn't that what the managers are hired to do? Have they no shame? Besides why are CBC employees not even raising a stink about all that taxpayers money going to an American company to program Canadian news?

  • Anonymous says:

    Hopefully this assistant can order champagne for the bosses more discreetly.

    The bosses ned their fizzy water.

  • Anonymous says:

    And, there they are. The folks who are ripping off Canadians each day by taking big monies and doing no work. Oh wait, they do make decisions – BAD DECISIONS. The entire CBC has turned into a joke!

  • Anonymous says:

    Have you ever seen the movie "The Devil Wears Prada"? 'Nuff said.

  • Anonymous says:

    OMG. Does that waspy group of mgrs really represent the look of Canada today? Diversity in the workplace is important to CBC except when it comes to being the boss.

  • Anonymous says:

    What she needs is another Respect in the Workplace session. Oh wait, she skipped the first one eh?

  • Anonymous says:

    to the winner: be sure to wear a flak jacket.

  • Anonymous says:

    The senior managers shown in that photo make north of $7 million per annum, $10 million counting bonus, etc. So over the next decade they will take roughly $100 million out of the CBC.

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