Attend the tale of Strombo George

Strombo on ‘Readers’ Digest’ cover: TRUST Strombo loses by a nose in trustworthiness in the everyday task of shaving you with a straight razor.


  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Aaand that’s all, folks.

  • Anonymous says:

    Eddie, you truly are a lying manipulating asshole. Rot in hell for your lies you stupid power tripping pig.

  • Anonymous says:

    What do you mean Anon 6:18 ?

  • Anonymous says:

    There it is ladies and gents. There's the famous Strombo charm in all its glory. My girl fell for it hook line and sinker.

    Hurts doesn't it?

  • Anonymous says:

    Hmmmm Nope Andie, I plead the 1, 2,3 ,4 5thhhhhh !

  • Anonymous says:

    Oh I'm right.

    What do you think G? Maybe you want to say a few words about how dumb she is?

  • Anonymous says:

    Who is Anon 4.53 – I feel this person is right about Andie.

  • Anonymous says:


  • Anonymous says:

    Poor Andie. We tried to tell her. She's got a problem with trusting people. Like people she meets on the internet. She goes and tells them all about herself. It must be because she's all alone.

  • Anonymous says:

    I'm very surprised Andie hasn't weighed in on this post yet.

    Where are you V? Not going to defend your boyfriend?

  • Anonymous says:

    Anon 11:10 – Allan's making a BIG difference in this world by keeping marinas clean for Canadians. OK, so it's closer to court-ordered community service than "charity" per se, but still…

  • Anonymous says:

    Anon 3:56, If you think that little bitty that George crooked out was profound then your definition of profound is almost profane and you will never ponder anything deeper then how they got the caramel into the caramilk bar. That's called the Strombo school of journalism. Epic.

  • Anonymous says:

    Doesn't everyone in show bussiness do that Allan ? What are you doing to make Canadians lives better ? What are other Canadian Tv personalities doing for that matter ?

    I know George does alot of charity work, so I would say that is what he is doing.

  • Allan says:

    Care to tell me how anything George is doing is making my life better … ?
    Everything he's doing is to make his own life better. Nothing whatsoever to that will help other Canadians.

  • Anonymous says:

    George is a really good interviewer. He could be great if he pushed himself harder and grew up a bit. He's a talk show host. The Hour is not the news. Mansbridge is a former airport announcer, go pick on him.

  • Anonymous says:

    What? Have a journalistic discussion with Stombo? Wouldn't that involved two JOURNALISTS??

  • Anonymous says:

    Ok, what's with all the Strombo hate ?

    Why doesn't anyone say, "Hey, here's a kid who was at Much Music, got his own show on CBC and has done well for himself" ?.

    Maybe not all his statements have been profound but I've also heard him say in an interview "Look to your left and to your right, your responsibilty in this world is to make their life a better, and them to make your life better. What a lovely place this world would be if everyone thought that way".

    Yet, we only look at a few silly things he's said.

    People like Brian McKnight, June Callwood, Eugene Levy and most lately, Larry King have all said he's got talent. Plus, I've heard him talk and he is a smart guy, yet noone wants to be happy for him.

    For all the the CBC ex or current employees posting here, why not tell Geoge how you feel to his FACE instead of coming on here and posting a rant ?

  • Anonymous says:

    No journalist left behind.

    The media today is a lot like a program that was implemented in the United States years ago called 'no child left behind', what it did was reward kids that did not eat paste with stickers. Eventually it became much worse, they took all the kids who were 10 reading levels behind the entire class and the kids who stuck glue sticks up their noses with higher, non failing marks. They did this by statistically skewing the marks of the smart kids by bringing them down to average. Thus, everyone was ultimately average.

    What was the result?? An entire cohort of kids who graduated grade 12 without the ability to read or write, and just like that, greatness was lost. The media has become the same was, we reward the kids who eat paste while ignoring the true great ones, we have cut them off at the knees and brought them to …average.

    A great man once said

    "When the righteous man truth away from his righteousness that he hath committed and doeth that which is neither quite lawful nor quite right, he will generally be found to have gained in amiability what he has lost in holiness"
    – Samuel Butler


    "No matter who you are it's the simple things in life that lead you to believe that you can achieve anything"
    – Ronaldo Assis Moreira

    Today we have this:

    "I'd want her to leave me at the CNE, so when she walks away there's the ultimate absurdity of the midway all around me"
    – Strombo (2009)

    Me thinks he got a sticker.

  • Anonymous says:

    What is wrong with everybody? George is a middlebrow act, RD is the perfect fit. The CBC isn't about highmindedness. Mostly these days it's just celebrity fluff. What little content is "made" is designed to offend as few people as possible. People who expect the institution to aim higher should get out.

  • Anonymous says:

    I'm a new anonymous who works at the ceeb…

    I also gagged at the grocery story when I saw the cover. I personally know of two dozen people off the top of my head (without trying) who are better interviewers and who have done stories that have made more of a difference to Canadians that Strombo's insightful chats with American celebrities. I mean stories that have changed people's lives from reporters across Canada in smaller regions.

    Good to see Reader's Digest is falling into the same celebrity rat-trap that the CBC fell into several years ago. The state of journalism is just about destroyed completely by the American influence. Be careful, RD…it's hard digging out of that hole once you go down it.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hey Dr. smokey bear, sorry you gave yourself away in one of your posts. Well now you know who I am, just wanted to say congrats and that you left behind a lot of broken hearts. Stop by I’ll by you a java sometime, you know where to find me on the sinking ship.

  • Anonymous says:

    Do you think George would like to shave a girls pussy with his talent ?

  • Anonymous says:

    ha, ha, ha catfight!! love it. In ring one we have the university students who have made a few good points, in ring two we have the GS supporter who have made a few good spelling errors and what is a whiny little bitch mad mean anyway?

  • Anonymous says:

    What about if now I make it up by going like this ……………………………….

    there, happy ?

    I don’t come on here and comb through my grammer, I write quickly, because I’m at work (yes, I have a job).

    I’m not saying it’sa bad thing you don’t like George, who cares about that. But this girl is a whiny little bitch mad because he got a degree. She needs to get over it and respect the decision the University made.

    P.S. …

  • Anonymous says:

    Anon 502, gotta love that the typical george supporter is a high school drop-out. God forbid that anyone on this blog other than Allen point out the fact that George is irrelevant. Well I am a university student and I too think he is useless. And by the way you really didn’t have to point out that you hated school, your syntax says it all, that would be three dots after a point not two, but if you went to school maybe you would know that.

  • Anonymous says:

    No Anon, I think you’re just bitter.

    George never said people that go to school are losers .. he said if you think school is the best time of your life than you haven’t lived a very good life (or something to that affect) and I aggree with him. I always hated school.

    Anyways, it was the University that decided to give him the degree, so they felt he deserved it. it’s an honouray degree so why not just respect their decision and stop being a bitter middle aged bitch.

  • Anonymous says:

    Okay bud, not funny at all, at all, not even in the least. The reason as to why I’m trying to find an answer to Strombos relevance is because my two best friends just lost their jobs and guess who’s paying the rent…yeah, yours truly, so they don’t loose the roof over their heads. But it looks like im barking up the wrong tree, I give up. A piece of advice to you all, aperently relevance comes with looks, if your not hot and dumb, bend over management is coming with a chainsaw and they provide no lubricant.

  • Anonymous says:


    hey Doc, do you think thats why Harper didn’t go on the show, being a graduate and all of the university of calgary. Hey GS, looks like Harper took you up on your offer and it wasnt the platform shoes!

  • Anonymous says:

    Wow 2:04am let me guess you work nights. I am not even going to get into a debate with you over how researching Tom the Scientology freak is the same as getting a doctorate degree, but thanks for the laugh!
    My question my friend is WHAT has he done to deserve to be the voice of my generation, and yes he is my generation as I am 3 years younger than him. You see this seems to be a hard question to answer and no, I’m not trying to ruffle his feathers or piss off the cbc. I love the cbc and I did work there through most of my education, as it cost me over 50,000.
    Here is the problem I have, George was awarded an honorary doctorate degree form the University of Calgary and don’t be fooled, this is a HIGH honour. What followed was a shit storm, because again, what has he done. To add insult to injury after he won the degree he stated on Canadian TV that school is for losers and anyone who says school is the best time of their lives is an idiot. Wow. Imagine how the panel of academics who gave him the award must have felt, not to mention all the people in school who he just called losers. Wow. So yeah, George made history alright, by being the first person to insult the academic community after being given an award.
    So for the last time: what has he done, I think on behalf of all academics I deserve an answer.

  • Anonymous says:

    Sorry, but if you’ve done more than 6 months at the ceeb, you have every right to be bitter.

    Doctorate, eh? Did Strombo even go to university? Lemme guess, he studied communications, right?

    Hibbert: Son, I’m afraid that leg is hanging by a thread.
    Lubchenko: Lubchenko must return to game!
    Hibbert: [chuckles] Your playing days are over, my friend.
    But, you can always fall back on your degree in …
    [reads chart] communications!? Oh, dear Lord!
    Lubchenko: I know! Is phony major. Lubchenko learn nothing. Nothing! [cries]

  • Anonymous says:

    George earned his doctorate by years of reading up on guests – you dont have to hate. That is the exact same thing you do in university.

    Im not saying you don’t have the right to your own opinion, but no need to be bitter.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Hellooo, nurse!

  • Anonymous says:

    A rant…I have to I really have to.

    Yes, I use to work at the cbc, however I decided early on that it was best to move along, so I plunked my ass into graduate school and never looked back. I have been following the Tea Makers since 2005 and have always loved this blog. The bitterness on this blog is understandable. If I was still there I would be bitter too. It is amazing to me that all the people who work really hard, love their jobs, and are good at their jobs remain faceless and nameless and they are the one’s losing the jobs. What happened to standards? What has management done with it?? It’s not the fault of all the people who work their ass off day and night without even a thank you, no. Imagine my suprise the other day when I was at the grocery store and sitting there on the shelf was a picture of strombo on the cover of Readers Digest (he can read I thought) then the title struck me like a kidney stone…Canadians Trust You. OMG. That’s when the true power of advertising hits you. If you sell something long enough, people will buy anything. So I asked myself as a young, female doctor who worked her ass off for 8 years (and no, unlike strombo who found his doctorate at the end of his johnson, I earned mine) what have you done for Canada? what have you done for the tax payer? better yet, what have you done for your fellow employee??
    I stood there staring at his picture, this poster boy for the cbc and the only thing that came to my mind was shame. sad really.
    So Canada what has he done, I have a few…
    1) He brought back the skinny jeans. Just the other day I was walking down the street and spotted two young chaps rocking the skinny jeans, however I must give Strombo props in the fact that you save us from the inevitable camel toe, since you wear the crotch of your jeans around your fucking ankles!!!
    2)Perfecting the English langauge. I mean where would we be without chillaxing, hells ya and bananas. Really? I mean really? If you are having a mid-life crisis, please don’t do it on my TV, if I want to see a man having a mid-life crisis I will walk down Bay Street.
    3)You are the true definition of narcissism. Dude, if you could suck your own Oscar Mayer you would never leave the house, but then what would all the desperate housewives do, ah well back to the Fed-ex man.
    4) the plunging neck line. HAS to go, has to go. I was flipping the channels the other day and there was strombo dipping down in front of the camera AAHHHHHHHHHHHH. Stop, just stop. I am young, pretty and educated and NO I DO NOT want to have sex with you! Stop embarrassing the cbc, just stop, grow up. Enough now.
    The only thing I would trust George on is giving me a rash. Gaud I’m embarrassed. If this is what passes for greatness in Canada, I’m heading overseas.
    I’m done now, sorry I needed to vent. I have to go chillax now, hells ya, fuck’in bananas man!

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