Two ways to televise a radio show

  1. Failed TV pilot for popular nerd podcast the Sound of Young America (q.v.; at iTunes):

    Jesse Thorn and guest sit at a table crowded with recording gear inside an apartment

    (A pilot for whom? CurrentTV.)

  2. Q (“TV”) with Jee-ahn Go-meshee:

    Ghomeshi interviews guest in radio studio with glowing red ‘Q’ backdrops

Champion of this updated contest of filming a stageplay and calling it television? None: It’s a tie.

UPDATE (2009.05.21): Now teh Gays are doing it (the Proud FM to be simulcast on the OutTV).


  • Fake Ouimet says:

    I have downloaded the Great Eastern episodes and have them on iTouch. This should be amusing.

  • Anonymous says:

    Torrent is your friend.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Feel free to Amazon-wishlist me the appropriate DVD box set(s).

  • Anonymous says:

    “I clarified a cultural reference.”

    Ahhhhh. Hmmmmm.

    I guess saying “a swing and a miss” will also be so “clarified”.


  • Fake Ouimet says:

    I clarified a cultural reference.

    Over to you, Moose.

  • Anonymous says:

    Wow. Joe Clark completely misses the point of a cultural reference. Quelle shocker.

  • intentionally anonymousse says:

    No… that was Dick York. He was replaced by Dick Sargent….*sigh*

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Didn’t he get replaced by another actor, something that nobody really noticed?

  • Johnny Happypants says:

    FO, you are like Dick Sargent on Bewitched.

  • Fake Ira Glass says:

    I think the recent trend around here to NOT reshovel newspaper articles is refreshing.

    Keep up the good work.

    As for the subject at hand, the ‘simulcast’ method really sucks. Looking at a radio show happening on TV is as boring as trying to contextualize a piece of video over the radio.

    Why is it so hard for people to use 2 or more media to augment, supplement, or contextualize the subject matter of one another? Instead it’s a big guessing game about how to re-tool the same piece for a different media line, and that’s supposed to make CBC a ‘content company’.

    The obvious shoe-in for tying different media types together is ‘new media’, but most people are too void of foresight or consider things to be too ‘experimental’ to fit into any of the (broken but still used) business models.

    Instead, new media lives mostly as a boring support line for the ostensibly boring programming roster of TV and Radio. Laurence, lots of program websites did some of the things you suggested in the first comment. Like Outfront. Their reward was cancellation.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    A lot of things were in the paper. When we have something to write about, we will.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Again: The Tea Makers is not a general-interest news aggregator. You know about it already, obviously, and are opposed to it, obviously; you don’t need us to reinforce your opinion, which, moreover, you are and were free to share.

    Other writers may have their own intent, but I am waiting till there’s actual news about this $50 million to write about.

  • Anonymous says:

    Sorry, but, you don’t cover the Feds’ demand for an extra $50million pound of flesh from the budget? Instead it’s a post about televised radio?

  • Anonymous says:

    Good God…. Ghomeshi is deepthroating the mic again…

  • Anonymous says:

    I dunno … I kinda like CP24 on radio. I really like Matt and Mell ….. JUST KIDDING!

    It doesn’t get any worse.

    Oh Wait …. It does ….. and the winner is …..


  • Anonymous says:

    These are indeed horrible. Howard Stern has been doing the fly-on-the-wall radio for tv thing for years. It’s watchable as a freak show at first, but even with porn stars and ridiculousness it gets tired fast. The only one to make it really work is This American Life – and they did it by doing a great-looking TV show that knows it’s TV.

  • Anonymous says:

    JohnnyB is right, it just doesn’t work and always just smacks of a despartion to get the most from a insufficient investment in content.

  • J0hnnyB says:

    Whether it’s televising a radio show or pumping TV audio to radio (a la CP24), it just doesn’t work. Two different mediums.

  • Laurence says:

    That’s really only two variations on one way. Pretty bad too!
    A better way to do it (won’t work with quite a lot of radio shows but maybe might with something like Outfront) is to use the audio as the basis for either a ‘Ken Burns-style’ photo display or, slightly more ambitious, an animated feature.
    I don’t believe we’ve tried either of those styles yet.

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