Help CTV save local television

By reading pro-fee-for-carriage propaganda (and signing an E-petition).


  • toasted says:

    We’re talking of the Thomson family, Bell, Torstar and the Ontario Teachers Fund, who are behind this CTV business as the partnership that owns the company. It’s billions these groups collectively have uner their management.

  • Anonymous says:

    The public and politicians need to check their facts on this. See post at:

  • Anonymous says:

    What rich people do you see lining up to run local tv stations in Canada? Google’s not doing it, iPhone is not investing… the cable guys? The CBC, come on.

  • Kev says:

    If there’s one thing that I’ve learned about Canada it’s that every perceived injustice will eventually be compared to the scrapping of the Avro Arrow.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    If I understand you correctly, Anonymoose, a bunch of millionaires’ not having their millions distributed quite exactly right is just like the Avro Arrow?

    That’s a new one.

  • Anonymous says:

    The first comment is out to lunch. TV in Canada has been great in the past, but the facts are that Canadian regulations have not kept pass. US local news has an easier time getting picked up in Canada than do local stations from Canada. Not only that but cable and satellite companies have to pay to restransmit programming and signals from local US stations, but not in Canada. Cable and satellite companies are allowed to take local station programming, and not pay for it. This is the fundamental problem with Canadian regulations. They put local at a disadvantage to specialty cable channels, and they allow cable to take from local but not from specialty. it is wrong. it is like the avero aero all over again.

  • Anonymous says:

    Um, sorry, no. CTV has no idea how they’re gonna actually do this. Did you see Ivan Fecan at the CRTC hearings? He has no bloody clue. The privates had been given a 10 year grace period, and they blew their wad on accumulating specialties knowing damn well there wasn’t enough product to fill them up.

    Poor planning has more to do with CTV and Global’s predicaments than the economy. They haven’t given a shit about local in years, and now CTV hides behind local much like shielding itself with a newborn against a sniper.

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