Two years of steady ratings decline, notes CBC Radio Two and Me. (No mention of the problem of counting new online-only listeners.)
Two years of steady ratings decline, notes CBC Radio Two and Me. (No mention of the problem of counting new online-only listeners.)
Saturday’s Globe has an ad for Tom Allen’s show, saying among other things that the show has “no boring playlists”.
Whether it’s boring or not I leave to the listener. But the music programmers on that show are in fact constrained by a playlist, one that’s not only issued from from on high, but decided on by software rather than people.
Why do we bother hiring music programmers, if we’re not going to let them do the job they’re hired for? Radio-marketing software is somehow better suited to making programming decisions than qualified staff? Or is their computer simply stuck on “bland”?
Anonymoose at 5:23, not using the current ratings system, they aren’t.
OtherAnonymoose, what do you mean “non-single podcasts� Do you mean 70% of subscribed podcasts go unheard? That certainly isn’t my own pattern.
online-only listeners are hard to count? On what planet? They’re far easier to count than radio listeners.
but does Terfry skew younger or is the audience as old as it ever was.
And are the samples too small to work such numbers? 300 per city?
They may take comfort in podcasts numbers, despite industry awareness that70 percent of non-single podcasts are never listened to, just downloaded to the bit-bucket.