CBC.ca goes further down the tweethole

CBC.ca Arts publishes an embarrassing display of Twitter-based humor. From his photo, author Andre Mayer doesn’t look too old, but he writes gags like he’s 50. Apparently CBC Arts somehow Benjamin Buttonizes its writers. There may be a Brad Pitt survey on this somewhere on the site, but I can’t be bothered to look it up.

And recasting Charles Darwin as “ChuckD” and making him talk like 50 Cent?
For this, Andre may never be forgiven.


  • Cameron A. says:

    I love that JohnnyBower is tweeting through a device invented thirty-two years after he uses it.

    Have to agree with Anon 3:18 about Al Rae and the Sausage Factory. Rae in particular bothers me – his segments are sometimes painfully unfunny, yet CBC Radio is high on him.

    Then again, I can’t tell the difference between his CBC Radio bits and Dean Jenkinson’s. Must be a Winnipeg thing.

  • Anonymous says:

    Almost as bad as Winnipeg’s Al Rae and the Content Factory that pollutes Radio One.
    Mr. Ray was actually booed at a Master Debaters comedy sketch broadcast.

  • Anonymous says:

    This is unbelievable.

    “Imagine if some of history’s greatest movers and shakers had been able to Twitter.”

    And then the last one is Obama. Um, you know, he was able to Twitter.

    And why do all of these people sound like rappers? This is what an old person who has never seen twitter thinks people write like on twitter.

    Someone gets paid to write this humour? It’s a little hard to believe.

  • Vigilante says:

    Real life Twits are funnier.

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