CBC a harsh mistress, homosexualist comedian declares

Greg Malone of Codco tells (“Touch”) Paul Bellini “I’m tired of beating my head against the ice trying to please broadcasters…. There’s no satire to speak of anymore in this country; it’s all gone soft. It has been 10 years since I worked in TV, and I have tried. That’s why I wrote the book.…. I had artistic control, [had] a decent advance, and they treat me better than CBC ever treated me.” (URL will eventually change; remind me to fix it when that happens.)


  • Anonymous says:

    YES to Malone on the state of Canadian satire.


    Rick Mercer, what happened to you? You’re about as edgy as Daniel Cook.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Darrell, brush up on your Gore Vidal.

  • darrell says:

    What’s a “homosexualist”? Is it the same as a “homosexual”? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Is it to “homosexual” as “racist” is to “race”? Or is it to “homosexual” as “scientist” is to “science”?

    Actually, I don’t really care what it means. So many useless euphemisms and labels.

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