Being Erica’s Fishnets

Corner of a wall poster shows the word LOVE backwards and a woman in a lacy white skirt and white fishnets kicking up one heel


  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Joe’s modus operandi is to use the linkfarm to farm links. QED.

  • Allan says:

    Totally fucked. joe’s modus operandi appears to be to use Tea Makers as a place for reprinting Doyle droppings – and without commentary!
    Also to promote CBC shows in the misguided belief that this will somehow enamor him to the elites.
    The CBC can afford to promote it’s goods without your help, joe.
    And nothing Doyle says is worth repeating.
    Stop kissing up to people who don’t care about you.

  • Joe Clark says:

    J. Happypants, you yourself are commenting on one of my posts.

    Additional note: I am still here.

  • Johnny Happypants says:

    Allan, it’s possible to accidently read a Fake Ouimet post—many of us have—but to waste time commenting on them????

    Please…if we ignore him…he will really, really, really go away.

  • Anonymous says:

    I’m just guessing here, but I think it probably has to do with the new show….yes/no??

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Allan, for fuck sakes relax. Just for one day in your life.

  • Allan says:

    WTF is the meaning of this joe?
    How inside your head do we have to be to understand the point of this post?
    Who is Erica? What’s the connection to the CBC?
    What’s so urgent that you want people to see this?

    • Anonymous says:

      its erica from “Being Erica”, a hit cbc series starring erin Karpluk, who plays the characteer Erica Strange. In the show, her therapist lets her redo past mistakes she’s made in her life, so that she can better understand it. This picture if from an episode where she was madonna for a halloween party, and those are the fishnets and dress she wore.

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