Lifetime Achievement

In a world filled with daring humour, and brilliant satirists, The Royal Canadian Air Farce managed to do what none of the other shows could.
To write a show that wasn’t funny.
And to do so consistently for more than twenty years.
A record that may never be surpassed.
One hopes.

Biggest laugh of the night

Yes. We are a pathetic country.


  • 47 Sugar Street says:


    Perhaps a sitcom about trolls who miss CBCwatch.

  • Anonymous says:

    re: “twit shitty”
    Rex Riley, 1/5/09 @ 2:45 PM

    Don’t worry about the white guys who drive minivans and read the Sun.
    Worry about your VP of English Television because no one is working harder to shut down the CBC than Dick Stursberg.

  • Rex Riley says:

    Someone should pitch a sitcom about a bunch of 39-55ish, white male, brown pants wearing, mustachioed, minivan driving, know-it-all, sun media reading douchebags trying to shut down the CBC.

    Now that would be a comedy worth watching.

    You could call it ‘Twit Shitty’.

  • Anonymous says:

    I don’t get it. Little Mosque and Sophie are terrible too, the only difference being far fewer people watch them. What’s the criteria for being on the air? If it’s not a qualitative or a quantitative assessment, what is it? If it’s the whims of an under-performing, over-spending management clique well … just shut the place down … its become impossible to defend on any grounds.

  • Cameron A. says:

    It could be worse. CBC could steal Comedy Inc. from CTV. That show’s sort of like Air Farce, but with random f-bombs.

  • Anonymous says:

    If hundreds of thousands of Canadians think the Chicken Cannon is funny, what does that say about Canada? Keep in mind however that just because someone may have been watching Air Farce, despite the questionable means of measuring a television audience, does not prove anyone was laughing.

  • Anonymous says:

    It reflected Canada and its tastes. Half of the citizenry can’t name a Canadian author. Maybe Stursberg is right in taking the country for a bunch of idiots.

  • Dwight Williams says:

    You are not alone, but for twenty years you were successfully overrulled by hundreds of thousands of viewers. And before that, as many listeners as well for almost as long.

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