Merry Recycled Christmas

With a hiring freeze on non-essential senior managers and the chilly no-party zone that is the CBC this Christmas season, it might warm you up to look back on a time when holiday-themed promotional animated gifs flowed like unused drink tickets in the Atrium.

In these frugal times recycling old sentiments seems not just natural, but mandatory. So gather your coworkers ’round the monitor, and enjoy this digital ephemera from Our Past.

We’re all in this together, so Merry Christmas.

A classy bilingual number from Bill Chambers, 2005:

Holiday promotion, 2006:

Technician’s strike, 2001:


  • Kev says:

    Having to hear about everybody else’s parties is getting a little disheartening. Next year I’m crashing Astral’s.

  • slave4u says:

    I’m not going to lie. I’m suffering through this holiday season as a total result of being a CBC employee. I’m working my ass off for the corp and wondering why I bother. Between SET bonuses, $Magid$, and all the other monies paid for work by outside companies done for us, I’m again wondering why I bother. Sure the company Christmas party is usually a painful affair, but it does serve as a little “thanks sheep for following us blindly” and a “merci for all the hard work you little people do”. The 23rd truly, can not come fast enough.

  • Another Year Another Plan says:

    The CBC this time of year celebrates an all inclusive, non-denominational, on-line, macrobiotic, content generating, freegan, late breaking, green, 50% for the SET, more connected, bicycle friendly, more transparent, fragrance free, how much did Magid cost us?, organic, festive period.

    Who needs dry cheese and boxed wine.

    George’s dad may have it right. December 23rd can’t come fast enough.

    “Festivus for the rest of us”-Frank Costanza

  • Dwight Williams says:

    Gnats? Surely our attention span is closer to that of the preying mantis?

  • Tessa says:

    What’s really happening at this moment in television is it’s shifting from a standby medium asking “X” of the viewer (read: nothing) to one that’s demanding a little more.

    That said, the biggest “consumers” (watchers+purchasers) of TV are the 30 – 50 somethings, that want to sit passively and watch the “boob tube,” because that’s what we grew up with. (I count myself included amongst them, though probably with less time because I currently spend another 1/9 of my time outside of work teaching a toddler how to use the bathroom, 1/3 playing outside, and another 1/16 solving puzzles.)

    But however I use it, I know I’m not unusual in how I spend my “spare” time. A lot of us 30 – 50 somethings don’t have a lot of time for TV. Simple as that.

    We’ve thrown the first salvos across the bow — if we want to watch something, we’re not doing it passively. We’re going to watch that show or by-darn it! … we’ll wait until it’s out on DVD.

    (The trouble is our kids haven’t taught us how to use bit torrent yet. :)

    [Or emoticons. I meant ;) ] )

    Whatever the case … we don’t watch TV in the traditional way (we wouldn’t know a Thursday night comedy block from a Tuesday information hour[s]. In fact, I’m not sure I know what channel I’m watching now.)

    We just need to make good shows that people want to listen to and watch.

    (Oh, and we have the attention spans of gnats.)


  • Aigle says:

    Well…I found it funny.

    (But I’m part of that old “fat girl” demographic that F.O. Mis-identifies as people that like “Sophie” (gag! spit! :).

    To all Teamakers readers, I wish you the best of the best of the best. May your reboots be clean and your lockouts be short.

    And may we make the CBC a better place. One flamewar at a time.

  • Anonymous says:

    What about this years “card”?

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