The Vimeo Effect

Never never ever claim to the CBC that they’re working on a video “player” like the BBC iPlayer, because they’ll triumphantly use that as a wedge to make fun of whatever else you’re trying to tell them.

So no, there’ll be no corpsePlayer. But they’re still showing video online. They’re just doing it inside your browser, adding another thread to an ill-tempered application, which may in turn crash. (The browser is the new black operating system, isn’t it?)

And? No captioning or audio description. Clearly better than a standalone corpsePlayer. Independent thinking at work.

So why does the CBC Sports viewer “region” look like it came straight outta Vimeo?

Hockey video player images with blue or white Helvetica on a black background

Because the Vimeo Effect is a trend: Dark backgrounds acting as a field for bright blue or white Helvetica type (often set against its own mask). The Times is using it. So are the Australians. The NFB is, too (almost – they’re using orange). These black video players are all the rage.

Incidentally, Vimeo is to YouTube as Macintosh is to Windows. People who know quality use Vimeo.


  • Allan says:

    who knew that there was CBC money available for producing the dumbest video anyone could ever think of, like ever. Will this become a regular contest?
    The great CBCtv Channel on YouTube gives us “The Accident Factory Presents: MACs vs PCs “. I feel embarrassed for everyone involved.
    One benefit though – if you think other people are smarter or more creative than you, then this distasteful video will be immensely therapeutic to your self esteem.

  • amanda says:

    I’ve been watching The National online with mixed results.

    It plays fine in full-screen in Quicktime on a Mac, but you have to know enough basic HTML to find the link yourself. How about posting the link?

    Also, and most bizarrely, the commercial slots are filled in by a mostly static “Live feed will continue” screen.


    While we’re on the topic, a live feed would be great, how about that?

    But geez, if you MUST wait to encode the entire show, at least take a second and cut out the blanks. How many podcasts go out littered with 4 minute gaps?

    I rather miss the version 1.0 era when they would leave in commercial break studio chit chat, or even better, when someone would switch the encoder over to CTV (presumably a bored asst. producer watching TV?)

    Anyway, the online version of The National is improving, but it’s not there yet.

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