From our companion along the road of life, Allan.
– Fake Ouimet
Finally a story no one understands.
Economic meltdown, and everyone is lost. Reporters report and pundits pund, but none of it means anything.
This is one disaster we really will have to wait for the book to come out.
The masters of the universe seem helpless if not ultimately incompetent.
It’s hard to believe that Canada is immune, as Harper would have us calmly accept.
I guess it was when I heard that you can be the CEO of a failing company and still pick up 20 million on the way out the door that I realized that nothing made sense any more except to the people in charge.
It’s a strange feeling, is it not?
The country we live in is somber yet cheerful, and life goes on as before, but every news report is screaming disaster. What are we to think?
Anyone else feel like going to an ashram for a year until this thing blows over?
The news of bankruptcies and a falling stock market were fun for a while, but now it’s as if everyone is talking in circles, and tomorrow is expected to be no different.
I can’t help but wonder if it would have made any difference if Canada had only had stronger voices questioning those in power.
I miss Pierre Berton and Gordon Sinclair.
Because this is one moment in history where Rex Murphy just doesn’t cut it.
Well, Notorious HTTP, you are invited to submit your own guest posts. They can be as outside-baseball as you wish, really.
“Finally a story no one understands.”
Are you fucking kidding me? All your damn stories are so “CBC-insider” no one from the outside has any hope of understanding. I suspect many from the inside are pretty mystified, as well.