Where’s CBC Watch when you need ’em?

“CBC running out of excuses for Canada’s slow start”

Commentary on sports talk radio rarely reflects the sentiments of normal people, but the radio ranting this week is probably not far off the feelings of the folks at home in front of the TV. It’s getting ugly for the team. And Canadians are wondering why…. [W]e’ll see how hard [CBC] pursues the causes of the poor performance of the Canadian team.

“CBC gives swim team a pass”

The CBC’s swimming analysts have been giving the Canadians a pass at the Beijing Olympics. For the most part, the commentary has been soft[,] and perhaps that’s appropriate. […I]t also raised questions about why a network swimming analyst, who should at least attempt to be independent and objective, is working so closely with one swimming team – a team that he needs to analyze candidly.

I thought it was axiomatic that CBC was “biased,” i.e., a haven of left-wing lies and distortions. Is it not also axiomatic that clear-thinking, unmendacious right-wingers are the patriots?

So why are the left-wing liars soft-pedalling the failures of the great homeland?

Whatever would John Spence say, were there still evidence of even remote interest in his “watching” CBC?

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