Parallel Universe Watchâ„¢ (1)

“The French answer to CBCR3,” Bande à part.

Bande à part screenshot

They kind of blew their chance to improve on official Quebec French, which insists that “podcast” be translated as baladodiffusion. Just say balado. (Cf. the wonderfully concise courriel for “E-mail”; a baladeur is a player, i.e., an MP3 player, i.e., an iPod.)


  • Saskboy says:

    It’s always cute to watch someone reinvent the wheel, but with a different language.

  • Anonymous says:

    Yeah, the “other side”.

    It’s different over there. They have different software (some of it – gulp – works better than what we’re stuck with). I also hear they might have a decent manager or two.

    On the other hand, they pioneered the trick of dumbing down and mainstreamifying their classical network. And the little union-built walls between jobs are still very much there (at least inside Quebec). So maybe it cuts both ways.

  • Anonymous says:

    ce site web a crashé mon firefox.

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