Hockey rights in Canada

Part 1 of the Tea Makers “Copyright is hard. Let’s go shopping!” series

Do you think the CBC hockey-anthem challenge is a good idea? Well, read my dissection of the contract and tell me you still think it is. (Geistardsâ„¢ have ignored the issue completely.)

There will be much more original reporting on the Hockey Night in Canada theme coming up.


  • Anonymous says:

    Speaking of music logging, very many radio shows don’t do it at all. Which is very naughty, both for royalty considerations, and for the conditions of our license.

    Particularly guilty are the local shows (the morning, noon and afternoon slots).

    Is it so hard to do this correctly? And stop buying into myths like “anything under a minute doesn’t need to be logged,” because it’s not true.

  • Dwight Williams says:

    No, I suspect that it’s not really a new thing. Wanting to own the theme music outright, free and clear of all considerations, is a very traditional goal for this sort of situation. Whether it’s worth that much or that little to people undertaking the contest…?

  • Anonymous says:

    so, they want to buy the theme outright?

    That’s not really new is it? Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the Ceeb own the rights to, for example, the themes for “The World At Six” and “The National”? It wouldn’t be the first time someone composed music on a fee basis.

    And if the ceeb doesn’t own the rights to a lot of their themes, the radio wing has a different problem: music logging in Inews, because many, many shows don’t log their themes, so rights owners (if there are any) aren’t getting paid anyway.

  • Kempton says:

    Hey Joe,

    Congrats for a well-written CBC hockey-anthem challenge contract deconstruction and finally seeing its readership reaching double digits. (smile)

    I was going to read the rules in full and write a little about it before the competition is closed but now I can just double check your claims (so far so good) and simply link to your entry in my 4th blog entry about the Hockey night theme.


    P.S. Here is an excerpt of what I wrote previously about the business of the Hockey theme,
    “I think it was Warren Buffet […]who said this ‒ the moment Fuji bought the rights to become the official sponsor of the Olympics, then Fuji became a legitimate equal to Kodak. […] Before Fuji’s Olympic move, Kodak was the untouchable gold standard.

    Now, CTV has bought the rights to the theme of Hockey Night in Canada, it may have pulled a “Fuji” on CBC. The 40 years of familiarity of the Hockey theme music on CBC has now been transferred to CTV.”

    P.P.S. You made me laugh so hard (in a good way, even I don’t agree) when I read “Geistards”, your views about Creative Commons, etc.

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