jPod more popular than Coronation Street? Say it ain’t so.

Oh, it be so.
At least according to the top searches listed on the home page.
No mean feat when you consider the fact that Coronation fans are probably flooding the site wondering why the show isn’t on TV. The answer? Hockey playoffs, #4 on the list. “Curling” is only #2, with similarly rabid fans wondering why curling isn’t on TV.
Well played, jPod fans. Well played.


  • Chad Adams says:

    jPod and Intelligence were drawing similar numbers of viewers according to BBM ratings, however look at this:

    Intelligence petition: 1866 signatures

    jPod petition: 3800 signatures total (confirmed+pending), and growing fast

    It’s pretty clear that jPod had a way larger audience than CBC was measuring. Probably twice as big, in fact.

    Please, CBC. Acknowledge your audience and renew jPod.

  • Anonymous says:

    With the cancellation of jPod, the “Canadian Content” of T.V. shows viewed in my home drops to: nil. Way to go, CBC! You are about to alienate yet another generation of viewers.

  • Anonymous says:

    “More popular” isn’t quite right – that box shows the things people can’t find on their own. In which case jPod would rightly be #1. Corrie, on the other hand, appears in a gigantic graphic right below the box……

    Both, by the way, can be watched online on the site.

  • Firefly says:

    It just goes to show you the popularity of jPod, and how the network made a horrendous mistake cancelliing jPod. I do find it odd though as soon as it was written about here and other sites it mysteriously disappeared from the #1 spot. I can understand if it fell a few places, but right out of the top 10? Hmmmm…….

    Sign the Petition to Save jPod!!!

  • Anonymous says:

    We only visit for the Suduko (which we still think is difficult and clever), and the hockey pools, the latter is not as good as other sources, but quick.

    Now we want horoscopes and an Ann Landers column from Gill Deacon.

  • Corrie Curler says:

    CBC alert – Schedule changes
    cbclogo.gif Canadian fans, it’s that time of year again. UK fans know what it’s like when sport events like the World Cup play havoc with the Corrie schedule.
    Canadian fans have the yearly NHL hockey playoffs. They start next
    week and rather than mess around with the schedule for Coronation Street in so many different time zones, (we have 5 time zones from coast to coast!)

    CBC is not going to show Corrie on weeknights but WILL still be showing the Sunday “omnibus” with five new episodes per week. You will *have* to watch on Sunday mornings (or set the VCR/PVR to record it) in order to keep up. This schedule will take place starting next week. No Corrie from April 7 – 11 but an omnibus on the 13th and the weeks will continue like that until June.

    On Tuesday, June 10, there will be a double episode of Corrie and the regular weeknight episodes will start airing again from there. Corrie will be back for a short while and then, as usual, it will not air during the summer Olympics.

    We will let you know the dates and schedule for that when we get it.

  • Flaming Nora says:

    Two of my most favourite things – how can a choice be made?

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