Jian on George and Jian

From Naked Eye magazine, photographed and transcribed from the newsstand by Allan.
Jian: George you have changed the face of the CBC. You’ve never backed down and you’ve never stopped believing in what you could do! You never started dressing in a suit and talking differently. Basically you’ve proven people wrong. You’ve gone from “where does that guy fit in” to being the face of the CBC, all from determination and belief. That is really impressive because it had never been done before. It’s really hard to fight the forces of people who are trying to stop you from changing things, and I so consider that an inspiration.

George: Thanks, Jian! So what are you up to right now?

Jian: My main focus is my show. Quite frankly that is something completely different on CBC radio, it’s got a big audience and I’m excited that what we’ve launched here seems to be really working. We do arts, entertainment and culture and it doesn’t do it in a bite-sized red carpet way and in the process I get to explore bands, artists, authors, actors and architecture in Canada and it’s a really great opportunity.


  • Hugh says:

    i’m not a fan of either george or jian, but i am a fan of 2 new fantastic podcasts (i assume they are on the radio too?):
    -search engine

    add those the R3 and CBC Radio all of a sudden is relevant to a whole new group.

    both spark and search engine are making ripples in my circles, anyway.

  • Anonymous says:

    George: Do you think I’m too cool for the CBC? I mean, geez, we’re barely maintaining an audience in spite of my greatness. I can’t and won’t change who I am and love, though; if the canadian public is not as cool as I am than I’ll just have to find a cooler audience elsewhere.

    Jian: Man, you really are too cool! If only canadians could see just how much cooler you are in person! Come to think of it, you are just too cool for us regular canadians. Your ability to trivialize important subjects while at the same time intellectualizing trivial information is just so…..how to say it….Tim Hortons! You’re ability and need to become the story is quite a gift, too. It is wonderful how you give the false impression of actually informing the viewers when in fact you’re just promoting yourself during your false “News” segment. You are truly revolutionizing the CBC! Your ability to talk down to your audience is…breathtaking.

    George: Thanks man. You’re so right.

    Jian: Cool!

  • Anonymous says:


  • Bob says:

    Is this for real? It can’t be real. But my gag reflex tells me it is.

  • Anonymous says:

    Cringe. Kirstine must be beside herself with jeolousy, Princess is pretty cute.

  • Tod Maffin says:

    LOL! Totally!

  • Allan says:

    Hellooooo …
    If you have access to a video camera and two children who can read aloud this dialogue, please post it as a YouTube video.

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