Guest Blogger: CBC resuscitates the sexy.

Sent to me by another avid reader who was inspired by the Pretty Lady Approach.

Remember Newfoundland weatherman Karl Wells?

Not sexy, despite the “ass tattoo” Facebook group.

He retires, and is replaced by Krysta Rudofsky.

Much sexier!

to host “Living NL” (they’re still trying that damned concept? argh.)

She has her own FB fan group, already

It seems that Wells’ temp cutie of the month Krissy Holmes wasn’t hot enough.

I’d date her, though.

And lordy! Did you check out that Lara chick that will host Exposure? (Premieres this Sunday) with that nerd?


They’ve recently peppered YouTube with 15 second spots of her being adorable and vapid:

13 seconds of host Lara and a turtle

awfully cute and enthusiastic
Bubble gum

How do you spell that rrrrrrrrarrr sound?


And all this is before Magid gets through with us!


  • Dr Satori says:

    Poor Lara a.k.a. LaLa – she was bound for the stars. CBC in it’s haste to capture a younger audience – someone saw how well playgrounds and free toys worked for McDonald’s – has come to believe that sponging bits of ideas like You Tube, ‘free’ video from their audience, jittering tripodless camera work with sloppy cutaways, and ‘hecticism’ – will garner them a bigger audience, thereby increasing advertising sales. In an attempt to go ‘young’ – which is not in itself a bad idea – CBC has taken the quicksand shortcut. Hope Lara learned so tricks to stay afloat on her trips to the Tiki Bar. Lara – you’re off MySpace friends until this blows over. Youth can not be bought. Although, I’ve heard that in Bangkok… . In this moment when technology is moving to HD TV – CBC is basing a ‘program’ on cell phone videos from retards.

  • Allan says:

    It was when they picked up Kenny and Spenny that it was clear the CBC just didn’t care any more.
    And now, by 2007, it no longer knows how to make sense either.
    The most telling moment lasts only a few seconds each day, but for me, it says it all:
    We’re about to hear a new little essay twice a day on a program titled “This I Believe”.
    Music up – it’s Joni Mitchell singing don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone – great – if this were an ode to Greenpeace or commentary about the works of Jane Jacobs – but no, it’s about personal beliefs and values. Is that really the best theme song?
    And what next – Preston Manning – Preston Manning!
    There is no person on the planet more ill-suited to be on the radio than Preston Manning.
    The moment he begins to speak we are transported to that low point at a funeral when someone talks way too long.
    And what business does Preston have being on the radio? None, apparently, that Tod Maffin couldn’t do better. (And, eh, that’s not anything to write home about).
    Am I alone in thinking that Joni must be rolling over in her grave over this odd pairing of brightest and dullest?
    Those four words alone – “hello, I’m Preston Manning” – are all you need to hear to be convinced that the CBC doesn’t have a clue what to do.
    And let’s not even get started on “Q” or Neil McDonald ever filing another report.

  • Allan says:

    Shouldn’t that turtle be on a leash?

    Absolutely as low as it gets.
    Static Raymi The Minx pages have more than this.
    Just … plain … more.
    It’s the end of the road.
    I told you it said DEAD END.

  • Johnny Happypants says:

    Lara, the gentile Sarah Silverman.

  • Anonymous says:

    How much more incontrovertible evidence do people need? How many more hours of “Q” must they hear, how many reruns of “Little Mosque” must they see? It is over. Wind the operation up and start again. It’s not working anymore folks. The CBC is completely broken. Look at this stuff!

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