
The CBC never met a loser video website it didn’t like. The MO is to upload a shoebox of miscellaneous, undated clips and see what happens. Usually not much.

Now we’re partnered with the HandHeld Entertainment Network, which among other things gives our video a place of pride on Yes, that’s right. Please don’t tell John Doyle.

On the network’s flagship site ZVUE we have 323 clips for sale at .99 each, putting the cost of the entire CBC Å“uvre at USD $319.77. I’d be curious to see how much money we’ve made from this.

Now to be fair, the whole video sharing phenomenon is so new, and so unpredictable, the shoebox method might not be the worst one to use. As The Hour’s blog points out, their schmaltzy clip of an old man playing with his toy trains has garnered nearly 40,000 views on YouTube.

Geezer doesn’t get hit in the balls once.


  • Johnny Happypants says:

    Wow! The blurry 60 second Brian Jones interview video is only 99 cents. It’s better than the 2 dozen or so performance videos available for free on Youtube.

    I’m going back to buy the Shrek III and The Ex movie reviews.

    Are they planning to sell Rex Murphy commentary clips there too?


  • Anonymous says:

    I read in the Globe there is yet another executive in television. What are they building in there?

  • Anonymous says:

    Anon 3,

    The contractual arrangments with the San Francisco firm could have been made by someone unfamiliar with the powers of Canada’s A.G. to scrutinize the CBC. In a few years the wisdom and legitmacy,or lack thereof, of the deal will be clear to everyone.

  • Allan says:

    Yes, it’s true.
    I like The Hour because it’s such a great show … for me to poop on.

    And Ouimet’s blog provides so much inspiration to discuss what the CBC is feeding us.
    And your comment does too.
    Do you remember when Tony Burman called everybody morons?
    Seems to me he was saying that we are all parents of future criminals and victims participating in an orgy of depravity.
    Unless of course we only watched the CBC’s holier-than-thou coverage of Virginia Tech.
    Guess I’m no different from him when I too hold not only the CBC responsible but also it’s audience.
    But I resent it when he tries to say that he’s better than me, the big-shot Editor-In-Chief.

    I arrived there just minutes after Jane Creba was shot, and, like a lot of things, it will stay with me the rest of my life.
    And it’s there when I see that fucking piece of shit in a black shirt laughing his head off at bullets flying. Those aren’t Trailer Park bullets and war is not an amusement park for people who like hockey fights.
    The people we’re killing today are the same ones we have to make friends with tomorrow if this is ever going to end and my friends legs are going to be there to touch instead of a prosthetic.
    But Burman’s sanctimonious censorship is nowhere to be seen when it comes to getting ratings for The Hour.

    So pardon me for not being “regular” when I see such a stupid waste of time as this train video that demeans older people and is held up as some kind of accomplishment.

  • Anonymous says:

    … you have all remained the fucking morons that you are.

    Allan hasn’t been ‘regular’ lately…

  • Allan says:

    This video appears on at least three different web pages.
    It could end up as the best thing The Hour ever did.
    How appropriate.

  • Allan says:

    Each week, we will pick a different colour of paint and watch it dry.
    Chances are this will be a huge hit on YouTube.
    Even hailed by critics as the ultimate Zen video.

    Fifty years of historic broadcasting by the CBC, viewers with a university education, thousands of tax dollars and it comes down to this model train.

    Viewers of The Hour are not likely to be reading Teamakers, but to the ones who happened here by accident:
    keep your eyes on the train
    let any thoughts about the world around you fall away
    there is no right or wrong, good or bad
    look down at the timer as the seconds of your life pass away
    when it’s over, congratulate yourself
    you have all remained the fucking morons that you are.

  • Anonymous says:

    Losers is right.

    Since the announcement was made, their stock price has gone DOWN.

  • Anonymous says:

    That clip is more interesting than most stuff on CBC TV.

  • Anonymous says:

    Has anyone called Joost yet?

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